Japanese dance

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Yuki's POV

Aaaaahhhhhhh,a black fluffy thing just a appear on nowhere and jumped at me ,and many people are and why me ,why did that fluffy thing just jumped at me , and i was like ,whoa what is that fluffy black puffball doing here and why did it jumped at me why not you or the others,they laughed at me and helped to stand up and they told me that this area is the Japanese dancing contest and they also told me that you have to enter their contest since only girls can enter ,and i was like, whoa you mean i really have to seriously but all of you are going with me cause i don't wanna enter when i know i am alone okay,and they are like ,sure why not

I go to the dressing room and change i change my eye color and my hair to and practice a little ,when the announcement begin all the dancers including me are running towards the backstage to ready when we all arrived the staff ask each of us of what will be our background i told them that mine will be a sakura tree but the petals or the leaf will be white not pink ,i waited waited and waited when the host called my name but before it started they close the curtains (like they always do and change the music and the background then they opened the curtains and i started dancing gracefully i make sure that the i am holding the fans properly then when it ended all of them stand up and clap and it makes me really happy ,very happy
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Time skiip*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

When the host was about to tell the host ,many dancers are like hoping that they can win ,me?,oh i don't really wan't to win cause i also don't wan't to enter to this contest either so it really doesn't matters to me, and host is like and the winner iiiiisssss Yuki Xerzel

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