♡ Chapter 2 ♡

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"Mom?!" I yelled as she quickly ran into the living room with a glass of water in her right hand.

"Mom! Mom! Mom! Please tell me that I'm just imagining that boy right there!" I said pointing at Yoandri on the tv.

"Black hair, very good at singing, and hella cute?" She asked. I nodded. "Nope Hun. He's real and he's on TV." She said as she laughed at my shocked face.

"Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!" I kept repeating. "Yes?" She asked. "Do you know what this means?!" I practically yelled at her. "No?" She asked confused.

"Mom, this boy, this boy right here." I said pointing to him on the tv. "He is the boy I heard in the dressing rooms today! He is the boy with the beautiful voice." I said.

My mom laughed as I looked at her confused. "Erin, it could have been any boy," my mom said. "No mom, I swear it was him, I recognize his voice, it is him."

It was already 10 pm, my usual bedtime since tomorrow was time to go back to school. "Erin get some rest," my mom said as I nodded and left.

Why couldn't I get Yoandri out of my head? Maybe it was the fact that his voice was so gorgeous. Or his physical appearance was equally as gorgeous.

-two weeks go by-

I got ready putting on blue jeans, a hoodie, and my hair up in a pony tail.
I looked at my appearance and smiled before going into the kitchen and grabbing something to eat.


"Welcome class," my music teacher greeted everyone.

"Morning," others and I greeted.

"For this semester, I have something very special planned. I have talked to the principal about this and he agrees. Since your sophomore grade has raised so much money over the years, since you guys have planned more funds and everything, I have decided to use some of the money to take you guys on a field trip every Sunday."

"Wooo," the class cheered.

"I will be taking you guys to attend the show La Banda. It's as show to find which boy makes La Banda and who has to go. I have my personal connection with the producers and managers of the show, so you guys will meet the boys and get to know them."

"You will have to annotate what each boy did well and not so well on a notepad. You will hangout with a boy you are assigned to, and really get to know them. Unless the boy or you have a problem with each other, that can be resolved. The boys will stay at your house in a separate room of course and they will practice their own thing at the studio. As you know each week one boy I s eliminated, if they are, you'll be partnered up with another group.

This is not freaking happening. I must be in a dream because this is to good to be true. I actually really like the show, even though I'm not sure how this is going to work out.

"This will start on Wednesday, so you have one day for everything to get ready. I have contacted your parents and they have agreed to this, if you don't feel comfortable please talk to me asap."

The next day was pretty much boring and everything on my mind was, who was I going to get? What would he be like? Will he be nice as he is on tv, or is he just acting?

I went to my locker before leaving to the bus to go back home, since I was assigned to get my notepad for this crazy project.

As I got my notepad, I had to put my biology and math text book in my hand so I could reach the notepad.

Suddenly my books ended up on the floor and I landed on my knees and palms. As I looked up, there was Jen with her little clique, laughing at me.

I never really minded her. We use to be best friends, until she got a boyfriend and he flirted with me all the time. Once we were all hanging out and he and I were left alone. He wanted me to kiss him and I didn't want to, so when he tried he kissed my cheek, but from jens angle it looked like we were kissing. Of course he told her that I tried something on him and you know how the story goes.


"Mom, how come you never told me about my music project!!" I asked her as she smiled. " I wanted for it to be a surprise!" She said.

"Since we don't have an extra room, we decided that he's going to sleep in your room, now Erin we trust you, so he's going to be in there, okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine. We won't do anything, you can even put a camera up there." I said. "Like I said, we don't need to because we trust you."

"Okay, well then everything is settled, just make sure to work hard on the project and make everything well. "

"I promise mom, thank you so much!" I said and hugged her. "I love you too, but just put the table cause we are about to have dinner." She said and I obeyed.

Hello it's me

It's irene here, just wanting to say thank you so much for over 900 reads on This book! That's amazing!

Also Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, & happy New Years to everyone I hope you Spent it well :)

QOTD: if you were to make the band in la banda, who would be in it? (Could be ones that were eliminated too)

AOTD: Richard Camacho, yoandri cabrera, Christopher velvez, Johann Vera, & Eric Brian colon

What about you ?


irene :)

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