Moving (Blind)

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"Levi, I want a puppy," Eren suddenly mentions one day.

Levi looks at his boyfriend who's laying on the couch fiddling with a shirt he was folding. "Why?"

Eren shrugs. "Companionship."

Levi rolls his eyes. "You live with your sister and you're usually with me when you aren't with her."

"I don't know why, I just want something to cuddle with when you aren't here to sleep with me."

Levi sits beside Eren and drapes an arm over his shoulder. "Why don't we get you a cat instead?"

Eren pouts. "Cats are mean!"

"They are not."

"They're too independent and they're spiteful."

"Are not. I had a cat as a kid and she was the sweetest pet ever."

Eren pouts. "Fine. Get me a cat then."


"Why not?"


"Cause why?"

"Cause if I'm going to convince you to move in with me, it'll be easier if you don't have to worry about readjusting a cat too."

Eren freezes. "You what?"

"Do you wanna move in with me? Or I could move in here. Whatever."

"I have to talk to Mikasa and my parents."

"Why your parents?"

"My mom might not like me living without family."

"Is it a yes if it's just your decision, then?"

Eren grins. "Yes."

Levi hugs Eren and pulls him onto his lap. "I can't wait."

The door opens and Mikasa comes in. "Hello cuddlefest," she says absently as she walks to the kitchen.

"Hey Mikasa," Levi says.

"Mikasa, Levi and I wanna live together."

She goes about continuing making her coffee. "Great, I've been thinking about living by myself anyway."

"Really?" Eren asks.

"Yeah," Mikasa says. "You two can share this place unless you wanna go somewhere else."

Eren gets up to go hug her. "I love you," he tells her.

She rolls her eyes. "You better."

The Ereri Project (#2)Where stories live. Discover now