You frustrate me!(A Sasuke Uchiha love story.) Chapter 3

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      Once ramen was done I walked home. When I got there the front door was open. I looked around. Nothing looked out of place. I walked inside and there was blood everywhere. "Mom?! Mom?! Where are you!?"  I cried as I began running through the house. I stopped behind the bedroom door. There were voices. "Where's the brat un?" "You'll never find her." My breathing became heavy. Who were these people. As soon as I took a step back, I bumped into someone. I was about to scream when a hand covered my mouth.

     When I turned to look who it was, I saw Kakashi. I breathed a sigh of relief. His hand left my mouth, I knew to be quiet.  He opened the door and whoever was in there, was gone. Kakashi sighed as he took a look around the room. I looked around him and gasped at what I saw. My mother's body. I saw her breathing but it was faint. Kakashi-sensei picked her up and he poofed us to the hospital. The doctors rushed to get her and I was forced to stay in the waiting room. Kakashi stayed with me the whole time.

    Three long, agonizing, hours, waiting for the doctors to do or say something. I began pacing. How much longer could it be? Was my mother okay? Would she be fine? That's when a voice interrupted my thoughts. "Amarante Ryoko?" I walked up to him. "Yes?" " Your mother is in horrible condition. She was tortured. She has been poisoned and she's been severally hurt. We are doing all we can but we don't know if she'll make it or not." I nodded. I was numb. Kakashi gave me a sorrowful glance. I ignored it. "Kakashi-sensei, I just need to be alone right now." He nodded, as if he knew exactly what I meant. 

  I walked out of the hospital grim. I began walking to one of my favorite places. It was a meadow that mom and I always used to go. As I sat down, tears ran down my face. I stayed like that for a couple of minutes. Then I felt a presence sit down beside me. I turned to look. It was Sasuke. "What do you want Duckbutt?" He gave a small smirk at that. It was almost unnoticeable. "Why are you crying Baka."  I gave a small smile. "As if you'd care."  "I probably won't, but it doesn't' hurt to talk about it."  At least he's not pitying me.  "My mom was attacked. They don't know if she'll make it or not." He just nodded.

  We sat there in a comfortable silence for what felt like hours. I stood up and so did he. "You know, your not so bad Duckbutt."  "Hn. Your still a baka."  With that said we both walked our separate ways. I walked back to the hospital. I noticed Kakashi talking to the doctors. The Hokage was there. I looked down. I knew what had happend. As I approached them the Hokage smiled at me. "We need to talk." I nodded my head. Kakashi-sensei, the Hokage, and I walked back to his office. Once we got there I sat down.

  The Hokage started,"Ryoko, your mother"  "I know. She's dead isn't she?" He just nodded his head. I looked down. Tears threatened to over pour. I couldn't let that happen. Not in front of Sensei or the Hokage. Ninja's aren't supposed to show emotion. "You know it's okay to show emotion. It doesn't make you weak." I smiled at him and finally just gave up. Tears were flying down my cheeks in big drops. After a couple of minutes I managed to wipe them all away, leaving only my puffy eyes as evidence that I had been crying.

   "There is however good news." I looked at the Hokage. What could be good in a time like this? "Kakashi has agreed to adopt you, that is if you'd like." I looked over at Kakashi-sensei. He gave a nod, and a small smile through his mask. I nodded. It would be better than living in a house that holds nothing but bad memories now.

    The Hokage nodded as he said,"Your clothes and ninja gear, as well as other things, have been packed and sent to Kakashi's house. I wish you luck, Ryoko." I smiled at him and thanked him. I stood up and Kakashi led me out. I followed him to his house. It was a small but it was cute. It had two bedrooms, a small living room, and a kitchen. He came to a door and opened it. "This is your room. My room is right across the hall if you need me."  I nodded. He closed the door. I started unpacking everything and putting it away. I was a clean freak.

   After that was done I changed and walked into the living room. Kakashi was there. "Good night Kakashi-sensei. Thank you, for all that you've done."  He just nodded. "Your welcome Ryoko. Get some sleep. You'll need it."

   As I drifted off to sleep the only thing I was confronted with were nightmares.

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