Chapter 18

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**Prince POV/Thoughts**

"I-i-I can't believe what I just heard, how could Roc just rape her then act like nothing's wrong? I gotta tell Prod, I just don't know how to do it yet. If he's crazy enough to rape her, he could be crazy enough to kill me. I shuddered at that thought, and that poor innocent girl getting raped by her "friend." All of a sudden, somebody shaking my arm snapped me out of my thoughts. It was Ray, I wonder how he feels about this...

"Yo man, we gotta tell Prod about this." he said pacing back and forth.

"I know, I know," I said running my fingers through my hair, "but if we do he could kill all of us!"

"Do you got a gun with you?" he said nervously.

"Yeah, since we started to go into hiding."

"Go get it, now." he demanded

I ran to my room and looked under my mattress and pulled it out. I spun the revolver to make sure it was fully loaded. I ran back to Ray in the other room. "Here," I said handing it to him.

He pulled the trigger back and let out a test shot. I automatically got scared and fell to ground. "Damn Ray at least warn somebody before you go shootin."

"My bad, I just wanted to see if it worked.." Ray said calmly.

"So what you gon do with that?"

"Whatchu thank? We gon kill Roc before he kill us."

As soon as he said that, I swear I saw an eye peeking through the door. "It" noticed me looking and ran away. "I thank somebody just heard what we was talkin about..."

"Who do you think it is?"

"Probably Prod, Roc left for the woods last night."

We sat back down and thought of a plan to get rid of Roc, even of we did kill him, we wouldn't have a career anymore. We can't just have 3 people in the group, oh well, we gotta do what we gotta do.

**Prod POV/Thoughts**

"I can't believe Roc did my girl like that! We've been friends for years, how could he do something like that. Then I just heard Ray and Prince talkin' about killing him before he kills us. I all of a sudden had a flashback to when we were in the hospital bed, she told me....

"I'm worried about Roc.." she said sitting up

"What do you mean worried?"

"I think he loves me.."

"Yeah we all love you!"

" crazy in love with me..just watch your back for him.."

"You think he would kill me over you, we've been friends for years I don't think he would do somethin like that!"

"I'm just saying Prod be careful, you'd never know."

"You'd never know.." that kept replaying over and over in my mind. Would Roc really kill me and my boys?

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