The School Counselor

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As Soul walked into class Monday morning, his eyes immediately went to where Maka usually sat. She was there, hands folded and in her lap as she waited for class to begin. Soul didn't really notice anything different about her as he took his seat, but he still remembered the conversation from last night.

The bell rang and class started, but Soul didn't really pay attention. His eyes were glued to Maka, watching to see if she did something out of the ordinary. But she sat there, taking notes and paying attention like she usually did. He almost didn't catch it. Maka shifted in her seat and froze for a minute, like she was in pain. Soul could see her glancing around to see if anyone noticed. Of course she didn't think to look back. But if she had, she would've met Soul's gaze...

The day passed by in a blur for Soul, who just wanted to get home. Well that and figure out what's up with Maka. At the end of the day, Soul slung his bag over his shoulder and made his way to Maka's locker. Lucky for him, she's almost always the last one out of the building at the end of the day. He leans against the locker next to Maka's and waits for her to finish up. She stands and closes the door to her locker and jumps when she sees Soul.

"Jeez Soul, you scared me."

He just shrugs and looks Maka in the eyes. He can't help but notice that she has hastily applied make-up on, which struck a chord with Soul. Maka didn't wear make-up. She wasn't that kind of person. He rested his hand on her cheek and wiped it bit of it away before Maka knocked his hand away. But he saw part of the bruise before Maka let down her pigtails, using her hair to hide it. Soul remembered the way her father had acted when he had stopped by to see her and his jaw tightens in anger.


She just shakes her head and turns her back to Soul, walking away. He grabs her arm and she winces. Soul immediately felt bad, but he brushes the feeling aside.

"Maka, what happened?"

"Nothing Soul. Let me go."

"Not until you answer me."

"I told you nothing happened Soul."

Maka yanks her arm away from him and keeps walking. This time Soul steps in front of her, not letting her get past him.

"Don't lie to me Maka. Tell me what's going on. Is your dad hitting you?"

"No Soul! He's not!"

"Then who is?"

Instead of answering, Maka shoves him aside. She doesn't get very far though. Soul quickly grabs her wrist and pulls her towards him, forcing her to face him. She tries to pull away, but Soul has an iron grip on her wrist. He wipes the make-up off her face, revealing the hand shaped bruise.

"You can't tell me someone didn't hit you Maka. Who was it?"

Soul kept his voice low and quiet. He could see the indecision in Maka's eyes, and he reflexively pulled her closer.

"We're friends aren't we? You can trust me Maka."

Maka stays quiet for such a long time that Soul didn't think she was going to answer.

"It's my guardian..."


Soul lets the word roll over his tongue.

"Why do you have a guardian? What happened to your dad?"

"He got transferred overseas, so he left me here with a guardian because I didn't want to go with him..."

Soul's jaw tightens in anger at the thought of Maka's father. Of course he would pick someone horrible. What an irresponsible little-

"You're not going to tell anyone are you Soul?"

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