"We're going to my family reunion!"

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(Dan's POV)

After couple hour later, right when we upload the "We have something to tell you." We decided to relax a bit by doing one of Phil's idea "Netflix and chill", whatever that means. (N/A: :)) ) Right when we sat down Phil choose his selection on Netflix "Death Note" our favorites. But as couple minutes later of watching the series and awkward silence, I saw Phil's hands placing to my thigh. My eyes widen a bit bigger as for me to get a bit uncomfortable position now, his hands was moving a little bit slowly going toward to my higher thigh or even worse, to my crotch. "You okay? Danny, you look a bit uncomfortable there." Phil says as he look at me with his eyes filled with lust and a flirty smirk on his face, I knew what he's doing but I can't let that happen so I act COOL like that didn't bother me, "Yeah Phil I'm fine." I reply and also I scoff as reminding him that he can do better than that. But it just made it worst, Phil's eyebrows rise up as his hands begin to walk more and more slowly, only just a bit centimeters away to my crotch, now I'm starting to sweat and unable to move, I couldn't keep like this. "P-Phil" I stutter, I grad his dirty hand off my legs but Phil already make an impact of it,causing to scream shock and groan uncontrolled. "Phil!!!" I screamed, as he jumps on my lad, facing me face to face as I look down I can see his hand grabbing it, and now his hand risen up to my chest, "Oh I'm sorry Dan, I just wanna play with you." Phil says with a pouty face and begins to kiss me very passionately. I would be angry at him of what he did,but the way his tongue explore inside my mouth, its impossible to keep focused on that. I put my arms around his waist to pull him closer, enjoying his evil pleasures he gave me. We stay like that for a while, until this horny boy put his hands to my shirt to rise it, I shouldn't known that this would happen, Phil you freaking perv. But I'm just gonna let it happen. I rise my arms up for him to let him take off my shirt as he did it, I unbuttoned his shirt. Now look at us, two young shirtless man making out on a couch, I did not expected to happen this in my break time, well like one of my favorite song phrase: "Love is free, love is young" (N/A: Seriously have everyone heard the album Blue Neighborhood, it's my everything!!!!!!! :) ) Everything was fine until I heard a phone rings, we stopped and stare at each other as I reach my phone that it was ringing and it's my mother. I showed to Phil and Phil started to make a pouty face, he puts his arms around my waist, tightens as a sign to ignore my call and focus on him. But on the other hand is my mother and I haven't even talk to her in a couple months, it could be serious situation. "Oh Phil, is my mother." I started talking after Phil was resting in my chest. "Please Danny, is our moment together." Phil begged, mumbling in my chest as a giggle Hus cuteness, "Is my mother, I haven't talk to her in months, it could be a serious situation." I convinced him, Phil let out a sigh as he let go off me, standing up and grad his shirt to put it back on. I feel bad that I let him down, even way it was our moments together but I feel like I rejected him. "I'll be in a kitchen if you need me." Phil says as he walked down to the kitchen, I feel bad for him and realized that my phone is still ringing, I accepted it. "Hello Mum" I started talking not really knowing what to say after so long, "Daniel! Oh it good to hear you again, how are you sweetie?" My mum asked, "I'm doing great Mum, how about you and Dad?" I replied and asked her, "Oh your father and I have been so well sweetie, now uh-" My mother was talking but begins to stutter, "What's wrong" I ask worried. "Just thinking, uh- Dan are you busy tomorrow?" My mum asked, I began to think any plans for tomorrow and suddenly I came up nothing, "Uh-N-No uh no mum I got nothing plan for tomorrow, why?" I replied and asked out of curiosity. "Listen Dan- I miss you, your father and I miss you, we- we haven't speak each other for a couple months and I wanna see you again." I let out a tiny aww out of my mouth as my heart flutter out of warmth,my parents can be quite sweet sometimes that I couldn't hold on my childish for a while. "And we thought that we should a family reunion dinner, you know, so we can become a family for a while." My mum finished out quite nervous of how I would react, I couldn't say no to that, my mother always know how not to say no, even though I agree on it, I haven't seen my parents in forever and its good to see them again, but also I think it a chance for them to meet my boyfriend Phil but that also bring my question. "Can I bring Phil mum?" I asked,my mum let out a sigh and replied, "Sure thing sweetheart, you can bring only Phil,wait is that a yes?" She asked. I let out a chuckle at her silliness, "Of course mum why wouldn't I!" I replied, I could hear it in the phone her sigh if relief, I really don't know why she snervious. "Alright then that settle it, see you tomorrow at our house,sweetheart, I love you, I gotta go bye." Mum hung out of me before I could say goodbye. I gringed out if excitement and rush over to find Phil, I rushly want to the kitchen and see Phil eating something, I sneakly sneak out behind Phil and gave him a surprise hug behind him. Phil got scarred and look at me in shock,"what wrong Dan?" Phil ask of curiosity, I put my both hands in his shoulder, "Great news Phil! We're going to my family reunion tomorrow!" I announced.

Fandomiology106: hey guys no time, no updated. I apologized about that it just school is killing my creation and now that I'm on a Christmas break I'm back!!!! First of all I'm sorry for this false alarms smut chapter that look terrible it the first writing it on my phone and I'm new to it. Second of all I decided to NOT post "Troyler Love" Oneshot on wattpad but instead on Tumblr so if you want to read it go find me in Tumblr which I will posted sooner I promise!!!! And that all I going to say thank you so much for being patience with me and I love you all to pieces, bye!!!!!

Fandomiology106 dismissed!!

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