Christmas Time Pt.2

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One year later - Sophomore Year - 2013

24th of December, Christmas Eve

"I'm glad you changed your mind about spending the holidays with my family." Jesse says while he puts their bags in the car

"Well, you know how to convince me." Beca responds

"That's true." Jesse smiles "My family can't wait to meet you."

"Babe, I know you're trying to help, but that is making me nervous." Beca says getting in the car

"You have nothing to worry about." Jesse assures kissing her head

"What if they don't like me?" Beca asks when Jesse stops the car in front of his childhood home

"They will love you." Jesse answers "C'mon." He kisses her and gets out of the car

"Jesse!" Caroline Swanson exclaims opening the door

"Mom!" Jesse says being pulled to a bear hug by his mother

"You must be Beca!" Caroline says not giving Beca anytime to answer before she pulls her to a hug "So happy to finally meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Ms. Swanson." Beca says

"Call me Caroline, please." She smiles "Come in, Jesse will take your bags to his room."

"Hi dad." Jesse says getting in the house

"Son!" Barry Swanson hugs his son "Is this the famous Beca?" He asks

"I don't about the famous part but yes I'm Beca." She says smiling

"I like her." Barry says to his son "Nice to meet you, this is a family of huggers." He hugs her "But don't worry my wife hugs the strongest." He says making Beca laughs

"It's nice to meet you too." Beca says "I'm gonna help Jesse with the bags."

"Go ahead, his room is in the attic."


"So you are real!" Shane, Jesse's old brother exclaims when he sees Beca coming down the stairs "I'm Shane, this is my wife, Danielle, and this is our 3 year old son Aiden."

"I'm Brayden, I'm two years younger than Jesse."

"I'm Katie, the youngest of them all, I'm 14."

"It's nice to meet you all." Beca says receiving hugs from Jesses' siblings


25th of December, Christmas Morning

"Uncle Jesse, it's time to open the presents." Aiden says knocking on Jesse's bedroom door

"Then let's go." Jesse says opening the door and running down stairs

"C'mon kid, your uncle is more excited than you." Beca says picking up Aiden

"He really loves Christmas and he's excited about the present he got you."

"He told you that?" Beca asks walking down the stairs

"Yeah." Aiden answers

"Let's open up the presents." Barry says

Aiden opens his presents, then every Swanson receives their presents

"This is for you, Beca, from us." Caroline says giving Beca a box

"You didn't have to." Beca says accepting the box "Thank you, it's beautiful." She says seeing a pair of earrings shaped like a 'B'

"We chose those because your name starts with a 'B' and your acapella group also starts with a 'B'." Katie says

"Thank you, I love it." Beca smiles putting the earrings on

"Now you have to give your present to Uncle Jesse, and he has to give his present to you." Aiden says

"I thought of giving you something movie related but you have like everything from every movie ever so I made your gift." Beca says handing him the box "It's mostly songs, there's a few mash-ups too, that make me think of you and songs that I think represent our relationship until this moment." Beca says when Jesse opens the box "Also there's a special edition poster of the Breakfast Club."

"You're a softie, I love it and how the heck did you find out that there was a special edition poster of the Breakfast Club?" Jesse says after kissing Beca

"It appear to me in a format of an ad." She answers

"Thank you." Jesse says taking a box in his hand "This is your present." He hands her the box

"Oh my god." Beca says when she opens the box "You bought me a necklace?"

"Yep. Did you read what it says?" He asks

"What does it say?" Aiden asks

"It says 'Weirdo'." Beca answers "It's the nickname he gave me" She explains "I loved it, thank you." She says kissing Jesse


25th December Night

"Did you like the present?" Jesse asks

"Yes, I loved it, just like I love you." Beca answer

"I love you too." Jesse says making Beca realize what she had just said for the first time

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