Chapter 9

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Magic. Some may ask you what is magic? Well, magic is our essence. It is what is in control of everything around us. While monsters are fully made of magic, humans are not. Though, because of this, not everyone can deal with magic. The main reason many can today is because of monsters being around. Their magic resonates with ours. Though, many ignore this fact. If monsters were to ever leave the world, so would magic. If that were to happen... The world would end. Plants and animals would die, many major disasters would happen repeated. That is why monsters must stay in the wor-. Alisa was cut off by a yawn beside her. She quickly closed her magic book and turned to see Sans waking up.

Frisk had already come and was now doing puzzles with Papyrus. Alisa didn't have the heart to wake him up, so she just continued to read as Sans slept.

"Morning lazy bones. Is my shoulder comfy?" She asked playfully. Sans looked at her before realizing he was in fact, on her shoulder, before blushing and sitting up. Alisa laughed before standing up and stretching. Luna and Shadow had followed Frisk to make sure the kid didn't get killed.

"S-sorry about t-that. D-didn't mean to fall asleep o-on you." Sans stuttered, blushing and cursing himself under his breath for stuttering too much.

"It's fine. You cute when you sleep." His eyes widen as Alisa realized what she said. "Ack! I didn't mean to say that!" She blushed and turned away.

Sans laughed and stood up. "Guess we both are embarrassing ourselves. Come on. Let's go catch up to Paps and the kid." He told her. Alisa nodded and got up. They walked through the woods in silence. The two past all the puzzles, which had already been done and were needing to be resetted.

"Frisk must be 'fighting' your brother now." Alisa said as they passed by all the puzzles. Sans nodded as they continued to walk. He could teleport them but wants to talk to Alisa.

"So Liz. I've got a question." He said. Alisa looked at him, curious.

"What is it Sans?" She asked. Sans stopped walking and turned to her. Alisa noticed this and stopped as well.

"What is it that you're hiding from everyone? Don't try to lie. There's something you are not telling anyone and I want to know why." He said seriously. Alisa's eyes widen before she closed them and sighed.

"Guess I should probably show you. How about this? Come to my house tonight around six and I'll show you ok?" She asked. Sans looked at her before nodding slightly.

"Fine then. I'll wait."


Frisk had ended up going on a short date with Papyrus after their battle but the tall skeleton did not return her feelings. Personally, Alisa had been perfectly fine with that. She didn't really want Frisk dating just yet. The two humans hung out with the skelebros for a while before leaving for Alisa's house.

The girl was dreading six-a-clock. She had kept the secret hidden for so long. It would be weird for someone to know it.

"Frisk? Sans will be over in a little bit so I'm making dinner tonight okay?" Alisa asked the younger girl, who nodded. She quickly made the two of them grilled cheese sandwiches as Alisa watched the clock. 5:59 p.m. One minute left.

"I'm here." The girls jumped at the sound of Sans' voice and turned to see him standing there by the door. Alisa sighed under her breath and got up, she seemed to do a lot of sighing lately.

"Come on. Let's go the clearing outside." She told them and the two nodded. Shadow and Luna also followed as they all went out.

Alisa walked a few feet away and turned to them. "Promise you won't freak or attack?" She asked. Sans and Frisk both looked at each other before nodded. Alisa let out a breath before holding out her hands. They glowed purple before a dog tail and ears popped out of her body. Her viewers gasped in surprise as Alisa looked at the ground.

"That's right. I'm one of the last humans that can use magic. I've hid this for years before the only ones that can use magic, represent the seven magicians that made the barrier. I use animal magic that lets me copy animals, and some monsters, abilities and use them on my own." She explained. Alisa tightened her fist as tears leaked from her eyes. "This powers are more of a curse than a blessing. My parents sold me when I was three because of them. I was beaten, abused, and almost killed nearly everyday. I have to use it once a week or else I'll have a magic surge that can kill someone. When I was ten, I ran from it all. There was six other kids and we all ran at once. We were all coming here, rather to be with the monsters than with humans, especially considering they're the true monsters. Though, I'm the only one who made it." Alisa them turned away as she sat down and cried.

"Alisa..." Sans voice trailed off as Frisk went and hugged her honorary big sister. Sans also walked over and rubbed her back soothingly as the crying girl looked at him.

"Y-you're n-not mad?" She said between cries and sniffs. Sans shook his head and leaned down next to her.

"Nah, though it did rattle my bones some. You're a good human Liz. Anyone can tell that. They wouldn't fear you cause you can use magic." He told her. She just cried and buried her face into her hands. Sans sighed as he teleported them to Alisa's house. He picked up the crying girl, though her tears had stopped mostly, and carried her to her room. Gently, he sat on her bed and hugged her to his chest. Alisa only continued to cry into his hoodie, soaking it with her tears.

That's how they stayed for the next hour. Frisk had ended up going to bed, since it was now about nine at night. Alisa had stopped crying, cuddling into Sans chest. His smile softened as he geared her soft breath, she had fallen asleep.

Sans laid her down on her bed and covered her. Once she was comfortable. Sans teleported away for the night. He had quite a bit to think about.

_end of chapter_

Pika: Whelp! Alisa finally told Sans and Frisk! Hooray! Hope chu all enjoy! Chow for now my lovely Pika Pals! Stay Shocking! Pika!

The Human Underground book one: Magic knows no boundsWhere stories live. Discover now