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It's been minutes, and you're writhing.

Your arms are starting to ache from being held above your head, there's a kink in your back, and your thighs are twitching from how tightly you've been clenching them. All of that, though, is nothing compared to the absolutely maddening feeling of the small vibrator shoved in your waistband, pressed directly in the center of your hips.

Jonathan is smarter than you gave him credit for. You'd figured that if you got frustrated, you could just let everything fall through you, but no. He knew the finnicky "demon-touch" rules: you were only tangible when you wanted to be touched...

And right now, you were dying for some attention.
Clever bastard.

You wondered just where he was right now. He could be watching you from the corner of the room, or the foot of the bed. Hell, he could've completely left the room, abandoning you in a haze of lust and seething anger. Maybe it was better that way. He'd be smug as all hell if he saw you like this.

It was awkward at first, trying to swallow around the cloth of the gag. However, you've completely given up on that now, your saliva soaking the fabric. Your wrists tense against the restraints as a tremor runs through your body, reminding you of his warning: the more you struggle, the longer he'll leave you here.

You've been fighting hard, but your whole
body is trembling now. Your head tosses from side to side, desperate to be freed of something, whether it be the gag, the blindfold, the restraints - you just need something to break up the monotony of those hellish vibrations against your abdomen, so close to where you need them to be but offering no relief. You feel yourself quickly unraveling, your hips twitching upwards, a low whine rolling out of your throat. Your eyes are stinging with tears and you feel like your body is breaking apart. You can't last another second like this, and -

You hear footsteps shuffling from the corner of the room, turning your head uselessly towards them. The voice that greets your ears makes your back arch up off of the bed.

"Not so confident now, are you?"

A groan vibrates in your throat and you thrash uselessly as you feel the side of the mattress sink. Jonathan's voice is closer now, curious, taunting.

"Look at you. You're a drooling mess. You were doing so good at first." He sounds so amused, so entertained, and it pisses you off. A groan rumbles out through your gag as you turn your head, tugging on your holds without any success. He chuckles, and you make a promise that as soon as you're out of these things, he's gonna get fucking walloped.

"What finally got you?" he asks, voice drawling a bit. "The ropes?" His fingers brush over the restraints at your wrists, making your own digits twitch. "The blindfold? The gag?" His pointer hooks in the back of the fabric over your eyes, tugging your head back and drawing a whine out of your throat.

"Or did this thing drive you crazy?"

A wicked tremor rocks your body as his palm presses the toy down against your abdomen. A gasp rips through you, arching your back as the plastic digs into your skin. The sound trails off into a broken moan, tossing your head back. You're panting for breath when he pulls his hand away, hips bucking uselessly against the steady buzz of the vibrator. You're going absolutely wild, the bastard...

You can feel his eyes on you as you babble uselessly into the gag, begging him to turn the toy off and just put his stupid hands on you already, for fuck's sake. You're practically sobbing when, by some miracle, he presses his hand against your chest, trailing it down your torso. Your words tumble off into a broken moan as his fingers brush over the fabric of your boxers, rocking your hips up into him. You're mourning the loss of contact before it blissfully returns again, this time in the form of a fingertip on your chest. You're shaking as it traces a circle around the hole in your torso, and your breath hitches in your lungs for a moment in anticipation before he presses it against the very edge of the wound. Your head spins, overwhelmed by the amount of things you're feeling right now, and you feel the last shreds of dignity you'd been clinging to slip away.

You're pleading unintelligibly through the gag, whining and moaning and thrashing around like a fish out of water, head pressing back into the pillows. Your voice shakes just as much as the rest of you, but shock silences you when the cloth slips from your mouth. You cough for a moment, trying to catch your breath before rambling on.

"Please, please, I-I need-"

He shuts you up when his fingers roughly grip your chin, the air shuddering out of you.

"Didn't I say no struggling?" His voice is low and gravelly.

"I waited s-so long..."

There's silence, save for your heavy breathing and the buzzing of the toy, and then you feel knuckles brush your stomach as he snatches the device off of you. You sigh as you sink back into the mattress, arms going slack against the rope.

Until his hand dives suddenly under your waistband.

Your back snaps up so fast that a stabbing pain shoots down your spine, a garbled moan leaving you. His lips are on your throat, moving up towards your jaw, and when he growls in your ear, it's possessive and breathy and totally intoxicating.

"Only because you're mine."

You reassure him with useless cries of "yours, yours", your throat sore and voice hoarse, body squirming as his hand works at you inside the fabric. There are white spots dotting the darkness you've been staring at for who knows how long, panting for breath, until your body gives a final arch and...

You go entirely slack soon after as you sink into the sheets, out of breath and aching everywhere. Weakly tossing your head, you want the blindfold off, want to see again.

As if he can read your mind, gentle fingers slip the fabric up and off of your face, tossing it away. You blink blearily, the light making you dizzy, until Jon comes into focus above you. He looks down at you for a few moments, concern clear on his features, until you offer a shaky smile. He seems content as he moves to undo your restraints.

As soon as you can move, you're crawling into his lap. He looks surprised, barely turning towards you before you're seated on top of him, face buried in his neck. His arms close securely around you, holding you into his chest.

"You okay?" his voice asks, making his whole body rumble against you. You nod into his shoulder before dotting a chaste peck to his jaw with your tingling lips. You feel like you're melting as his hand runs reassuringly up and down your spine, arms circling his torso.

"Just checking." You try to dismiss his concern by resting your hand on his cheek, running your thumb lightly over it. You feel his lips press into your hair. Your quiet, pleased hum makes him chuckle.

He drives you crazy sometimes, but he's so good to you.

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