A Party to Remember- Part 3

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All around the room, everyone was looking to be in various stages of shock and disbelief. Slowly, everyone rose to their feet, the boys, well, girls, a bit wobbly in their newly acquired high heels. Tuxes, coats, shirts and ties had transformed themselves into colourful, and slightly sparkly dresses. Cuff links into earrings and necklaces. Hair had grown longer and done itself up nice and pretty. Dresses, however, had stayed dresses, and their had had been cut short to suit their new masculine features.

Once everyone had stood, they stopped staring at themselves, and instead examined their friends. An intense silence fell over the group. Minutes past and nobody knew what to do or say. Then, out of the silence came booming laughter. Everyone's heads snapped in the direction of the sound.

What they saw, was an auburn haired girl, floating a few meters above the ground. Wearing a black and gold decorative coat, heeled boots, a small shirt that barely covered her torso and short shorts. She was doubled over in laughter, her now high pitched laugh resonating through the large open space.

"You... should have seen.... your faces....!!" She wheezed in between laughter. After a moment, she composed herself and drifted down to the floor, blinking tears out of her golden eyes.

"Ridge?!" Everyone exclaimed in unison.

"The one and only!" Doing a little spin, that made her short wavy hair and coat spray outwards, she clapped her hands together once.

"Now. This is my present to you. Girls become guys, guys become girls. And just like in Cinderella, it'll wear off at midnight. So have fun while you can!" She exclaimed in cheeky delight. Snapping her fingers once, music started to play, and in a whirl of golden sparks, Ridge vanished.

There was a moment of silence- bar the soft music.

"Well, I don't know about you jokers, but I've got boobs for the next seven hours and I'm gonna have some fun! Right, Sjin?" Sips suddenly declared loudly. Sjin, who was still slightly shocked by the new development, just blushed deeply and shifted nervously on his feet.

"Us too! I've never been a dude before. And my dress is still awesome!- And and oh! My voice sounds so weird! Fifi, my voice is all weird! This is weird!"

"Don't worry, Zo! Lets dance! Everyone is else is free to join!"  

"Come on, Nano. Dance with me?" Lalna asked, blinking her big girly lashes, doing her best version of puppy dog eyes she could manage.

"But I'm a man! And I'm still short!" He grumble, crossing his arms. Lalna rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm, making him yelp in surprise and stumble after her towards the dance floor where Zoey and Fiona were already dancing. 

Tee, who looked pretty much the same, just a little more feminine, grabbed Ravs by the hand(whos shirt had become very small), and led her into a corner, pulling out a lever and placing it down. They both were quickly engrossed in their game that only they seemed to know how to play.

Toby and Martyn were sat off to the side talking, mostly because Martyn wasn't feeling too well and needed a small break.

Honeydew, being pretty much the only one not affected by the sudden gender swap, seemed a bit disappointed that she was no longer bare chested (which everyone else was very thankful for). To be honest, she looked remarkably like a normal male dwarf, confirming many theories that the reason you never saw a female dwarf, was because they looked exactly like a male dwarf. (Only with a better beard.) So, with no shame at all, she began dancing., an over sized pint in each hand.

Sips had somehow pushed Sjin against the wall and was snogging him to no end, but neither of them seemed to mind.

Smith, Ross, and Trott had buggered off somewhere (cough a bedroom cough) in the mansion together and no-one really wanted to think about what it was exactly they would be doing with themselves and each other in there.

Turps was jammin' on his own, content with his situation for now. He was also trying (and failing miserably) to sing along to the music. Very loudly. Bebop had at some point wandered in and was striking up conversation where he could, even more excitable than usual. Everyone laughed at his antics and raised an eyebrow at the same time, purely at how much personality this robot had.

"Dance with me Strifeykins?" Parv asked innocently.

Will blushed and shook her head. "No, Parv I can't."

"Awww but Wiiillllll, I wanna dance! You have to dance with me!" Will just shook her head again.

Parv pleaded a few more times, but it only succeeded in annoying Will and increasing her ever growing blush. Then, Parv had an idea. So, before Will had a chance to move away, Parvis grabbed her face and pressed her lips against hers. Will jumped, wide-eyed. Her freckles flared bright green in fright and her body tensed.

Parvis pulled back with a grin. "You know, I've always thought you'd be even prettier in a dress. And know I know for a fact."

Will's freckles flared again and her blush got even darker, even though that didn't seem possible. Parv put her hand through Will's now longer blonde hair (it was only below her ears) and looked down again at her long red and black dress. She looked up into Strife's green eyes again and smiled. Will's lips twitched slightly in response. The dark haired girl, then she went back in for another kiss, which, Will tentatively and shyly returned.

Nilesy walked up to Lomadia, nervously fiddling with a dangling dark green ribbon on her light green dress. Lom, who had just finished chatting to Bebop, raised an eyebrow with a smile as his dark haired friend approached. 

"Hey, Niles, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just being a girl. I don't know how you do it- or did it... um... It's just weird!" She exclaimed, pushing her glasses up again, accent getting a little stronger from her 

"Being a guy in a dress ain't any easier mate."

"So, uhh, do you want to, I mean we don't have to, but do you wanna..."

Lomadia chuckled, shaking her head. "Yes, Nilesy, I would love to dance. Come on then, ya' sod."

Xephos lent against a wall, silently playing with her light blue dress and star shaped silver necklace, just observing. 

"Having fun, spaceman?" A soft voice asked from beside her, making her jump.

"Ridge! Don't do that! You scared me!"

Ridge just shrugged and lent against the wall with her.

Xephos sighed. "It's a lovely party, Ridge. I'm... glad I came."

"Glad to hear it. So, since everyone else is, would you like to dance?"

"Umm... Yeah, sure, Ridge. That'd be nice."

They all danced for hours. The Hat trio came back down after a few hours looking suspiciously satisfied with themselves and joined in the dancing. They exchanged presents at ten thirty, had a few more drinks and nibbles. They played a few more games, and with ten minutes left until midnight, they all sat in a very large lounge room around a warm fire.

"This was actually heaps of fun, surprisingly." Lalna said, pulling Nano a little closer into her chest. There was a murmur of agreement and nodding that swept through the room.

"Well, it's almost midnight, my friends. I hope you had fun and a Merry Christmas." Ridge smiled. And as the large grandfather clock began to chime, one by one, everyone quietly began to fall asleep in each others arms.

Tonight, was defiantly a party they would all remember for years to come.

A/N: Sorry, I meant to get this out earlier but things :P Also, sorry for any pronoun mistakes I may or may not have made. You have no idea how hard it is to keep a consistent pronoun switch over 20 odd characters... lol Hope you enjoyed this short story!

And have a Merry Christmas!

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