Sleep Talking

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Maka's POV

Soul and I had just gotten home from school. I was supposed to help Soul study for his upcoming weapon test but I really wanted to read another chapter in my new book. So I told Soul to go read the couple pages and then I'd quiz him. I was sitting criss-cross apple-sauce on the couch in our living room. It wasn't even 10 minutes before Soul came slumping into the room. He hoped onto the couch and layed down and dropped his head on top of my book. He gave me a cute little pouting face. Just to be a bit annyoing, I took my book out from under his head and plopped it right down on his nose and kept reading. Of course I had a smirk on my face and was trying to hold back giggles. He grumbled "Really? I was just bored and finished reading like you told me too."

"Really? You listened to me for once?" I said sarcastically surprised.

"I always listen to you about important things."

He reached his hands over the bottom of my book and slid it off his face and out of my hands. He still had his head in my lap and was laying on the couch. He closed my book and set it on the far end of the coffee table next to us. He then folded his hands on his stomach and waited for me to talk. So I said "Really now? Name something I told you that was important."

"You're favorite color is blue. You love vinella cake. You birthday is September 24th. You love listening to me play piano and wished I'd play it more. You're favorite Christmas movie is Polar Express. You're terrified of thunder storms. You wish I'd never leave you're side." He said with his toothy smirk that always made me blush.

"Those were just facts about me, nothing important."

"Yes they were and I think everything about is important to know."

I was speechless. I couldn't help but blush. Then I relized "I never told you that I didn't want you to leave."

"Yes you did... In your sleep, after a thunderstorm when you would come to me and sleep in my room with me because of how terrified you were."

"What really?" I knew I talked in my sleep but I never knew I talked about Soul in my sleep. I mean yes I've had a crush on him and have had a dream or two about a really sweet moment when he would tell me he felt the same. But I never would have thought I'd say that.

"Yes really. Also... I love you too."

"Wh-" I was going to ask what he was talking about but I was cut off by Soul's soft lips crashing into mine.

After we parted, Soul sat up up the couch criss-cross apple-sauce. He pulled me onto his lap, kissed my cheek and said "You say a lot of things in your sleep."


Thanks for reading my story! More to come! Comment what you tought about it. I'm also taking request if you have an idea but can't make a story out of it just message me and I'll dedicate that story part to you!

Thank you all again!

SoulxMaka (soma) One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now