Blair Helps Part 1

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Hey guys here's another story for you guys hope you enjoy! ~Maka

Maka's P.O.V.

Soul's been gone for 2 months to try and make a deal with his family. He asked me not to go because he'd probably loose his cool around them and he didn't want me there. I'll be honest ... I have a crush on Soul, always have. Although I've never had the guts to tell him. It's been 4 years since we defeated the keshin. Soul's now a death scyth and 19. I'm pretty much the same except now I'm 18. Blair is still living with us and is still as annoying as ever. I was sitting on the couch enjoying a book when Blair came in wearing her normal clothes.
"Maka-chan, do you miss Soul?" She asked, she must have missed him too so that's why she was asking...

"Y-yeah but he should be back soon so no worries." I replyed

"Do you loooovvvve Soul-kun?" She asked

I imidiatly turned a deep shade of red... "W-why would you ask that?"

"Because I've thought you two would look cute together since you were both 14! And still nothings happened between you both! So I want to know if you loved him"

"Okay... W-well yes I do... But he's too cool for me..."

"Well that's not what it says here..." She said and pulled out a notebook from behind her back "May 5th Dear journal, today Maka did the cutest thing ever, but then again everyday she does something cute. It just reminded me of how much I loved her. ----"

"B-Blair!!! What are you doing?!?" But se continued talking over me

"I kept trying o get over these feelings but I just can't help it anymore... Wes sent me a letter about how Blossom is graduating from the soul eater N.O.T. class and said the family would be in town... To get my mind off Maka I decided to go and watch and catch up with mom and dad, as much as I hate them they're still family---"

"Blair! You can't just read that! It's Souls!!!"

"To be honest I just need an excuse to get away from Maka because any longer with her and my heart will burst! I won't be able to hold back and then I'll kiss her and ruin our friendship which I can't live with! This whole thing is really uncool...
So Soul clearly loves you back! So make a move on him because I can't watch you two anymore!"

"Blair! I can't do that!"

"Yes you can and you will because Soul's back." Just then there was a light that shown through the windows and what sounded like Souls motercycle.


"No buts!"

Then Soul came walking through the doors and then I did something I never thought I'd do....


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2016 ⏰

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