[3] The Hunt

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Jordan followed Spark around to base, until they stopped at the entrance to a dense forest with trees that rose high into the air. He stepped underneath the roof of leaves for a second while waiting for Spark's orders, and felt as if he had traveled into the Deep Dark. The branches wove so tightly that you could barely see any sun from down below.

"Look, since you really have no where to go, I figured I'd show you a few things." Spark said and started fishing through a small pack that hung from his belt. He produced a small silver badge, similar to the one worn on the other people in the base. Though, Jordan hadn't seen Capsize or any of his friends' aliases wearing them. Not even Spark adorned a badge.

Jordan took the badge and clipped it to his black jacket. "What's this for?"

"Well, it has two purposes. One, we know you're part of our community. See that symbol in the middle of your badge?" Spark pointed to the badge, which had a small version of the Scales of Justice stamped on it. "That's our crest. There are a lot of other rebel and non-rebel groups out here. Way too many to count. But we're one of the biggest and I don't want you getting lost.

"And two, the color symbolizes what cohort you're part of. Bronze would be the lowest cohort and it houses the most people. You have silver, and there are only a few hundred people that are trustworthy enough to hold this cohort level. This basically gives you free reign to do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't effect the other cohort levels or harm your fellow friends." He smiled, once finished with his explanation. "Got that?"

"I think..." Jordan replied, scrunching his face up in confusion. "But why don't you and Capsize have a badge? And Alyssa too?"

Spark shrugged. "We're the leaders. There's five of us, and everyone knows who we are. I didn't think it was necessary." He pursed his lips and looked behind him, where a group of about ten people stood, including Capsize. Spark turned back to Jordan and gestured towards the group. "The hunt is starting soon. I brought you here to join them."

"What do I do?" Jordan asked. He had never been part of a hunt before. Sure, he had participated in the weekly purge and killed countless monsters and animals for personal gain, but a hunt for whatever the heck they were searching for? Never.

"I've never actually been part of a hunt, I'll be honest. I'm always running the base." Spark confessed. "But Jeriah usually organizes them, with the exception of Capsize, so you should probably ask him."

Jordan slowly walked towards the group and approached a man who wore a captain's jacket, complete with brass buttons and golden epaulettes. The man turned around, slightly tipping his hat to Jordan. "I presume you're Sparklez? Capsize told me a fair amount about you. The name's Jeriah."

Jeriah stuck out his hand to Jordan. They shook hands, and Jordan was handed a bow and a quiver of arrows from another member of the hunt, along with other supplies. Capsize sent him a grin from where she stood with her bow and a sword strapped to her belt.

"So here's how things work around here." Jeriah said, clapping his hands together. "Pretty simple; hunt for food, don't get killed. We've done this millions of times, people, so let's get moving!"

The group took off, and as Jordan was about to run off with them, he was held back by Jeriah. He paused, looking at Jeriah in confusion. "Shouldn't I go with them?"

"You're a newbie here, okay? You need the basics before you go out into that forest."

Jordan almost scoffed. "C'mon, I've handled worst things than a dark forest."

"I don't think you quite understand this forest, Sparklez. Ever since Dianite was killed, the balance between the light and darkness has tipped. There is too much light in this world and monsters have spawned in, monsters we've never heard of before. Everyone's lives are at risk. Even my own." Jeriah bit his lip, deeply exhaling. "Look Sparklez, people have died doing this hunt, and in the past ten years, I've learned that every life matters. I'd rather be safe than sorry, okay? So I hope you have some good armor in that suit of yours cause you're in for one hell of a ride."

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