Fröhliche Weilhnachten

229 17 4

Gilbert Beilschmidt crept out of his bedroom as quiet as he could possibly manage in order not to wake Roderich Edelstein. He was in for such a surprise in a few hours on Christmas morning! Gilbert wanted to high-five himself for coming up with the idea! It was so awesome, Roddy was going to love his gift. He glanced over at the digital clock on the microwave as he tiptoed by the kitchen. He squinted, trying to make the blurry mess make sense. The flashing green numbers read 4:13. What? And Ludwig was still asleep? That early bird normally woke up at four sharp.

Gilbert figured he had a few hours until the rest of the household stirred. He'd make good on the time, assuming they'd wake up around six. Or, more honestly Ludwig waking up and waking Roderich. Gilbert laughed under breath. His plan was so perfect! He continued to creep to the office surreptitiously, his mind set on the giant box he got from Alfred in there. He stopped in front of the closed door of Ludwig's office. He was generally surprised that he hasn't made any make noise just yet. Looks like his secret skills were more awesome than he thought!

He reached towards the brass handle of the door, the dim light from the window reflecting the metal. He froze as the small chick formerly nestled in content silence in his platinum hair started to move about. The bird shifted and began to chirp. Gilbert lifted a hand to his head of slightly messy hair, trying to quiet the chick.

"Gilbird, hush! You're going to run my surprise!" He whispered, stroking the bird with his index finger until he grew silent again. Gilbert sighed in relief. That could've ended worse. He went back to the door, gripping the handle. He turned it as gently as he could, wincing when the door squeaked as it opened. Stupid old wood! He pushed the door open and slid inside the dark room. His eyes adjusted as he moved further in the room, nearly tripping over his own feet.

Gilbert made it to the desk he made sure to put the box on and grinned triumphantly as he grabbed it in his arms. It was as big as him if not larger, which was kind of the point. Fortunately, he had a roll of wrapping paper. And not just any wrapping paper. It had little chicks on it! So cute! Danke, Japan! He set the box on the floor and placed a roll of clear tape and the custom wrapping paper. Time to get to work!

"Roderich, come here!" Ludwig called a few seconds after walking into his office. Roderich got up from his seat and strode down the hall, not entirely sure what to expect. One thing stood out this morning. For once, Roderich didn't wake up to Gilbert's loud antics. In fact, neither Ludwig or himself have seen him since they've woken up.

He walked through the open door and took in what waited before him. Ludwig Beilschmidt had his muscular arms folded besides an oddly large, closed box. It was neatly wrapped in interestingly designed gift wrapping paper. The tell-tale theme practically told him who this was from. The light blue paper with countless chicks printed on it had a white, folded paper on top of the lid.

At a closer look, he read the large, messy writing that only belonged to one person. Gilbert's handwriting read 'Roddy.' There didn't appear to be anything else written on there. Ludwig cleared his throat and let his arms fall to the sides on his trousers. "I believe this is for you. Now, I must be leaving... Feliciano asked for something." Roderich tossed his head to the did a little.

"As expected." He muttered loud enough for Ludwig to hear. Without another word, he walked out of the room, a folded jacket draped over his arm. Roderich rolled his eyes. He slowly came closer to the box. What even was this? He pushed up his glasses before grabbing the paper with his name on it. He looked it over, observing his name. Yes, this is definitely from Gilbert. But where was that demon douche, anyways?

Right after he thought that, the lid of the box burst open and revealed the albino. His ruby eyes gleamed in amusement and smug triumph. Roderich yelped and dropped the paper, jumping away from the box. "Mein Gott! Gilbert!" Gil started laughing, still standing in the box.

"Kesesese! Merry Christmas! I'm your present and there's no receipt!"

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