Chapter 5

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Kendall POV


I woke up at the sound of my alarm. I wanna hit snooze but I know it's the first day of school and I should at least be there on time for once in my life. I changed and grab everything I needed for the day. Class starts in 15 so I skipped breakfast and just grabbed a sandwich mum made. "Kylie let's go, we're going to be late!" I said rushing to my car. "Woah! Someone's not being herself today huh? Since when did you give a shit if you're late?" Kylie said rolling her eyes. "Oh just shut up and get in the car" I said giving mum a kiss on the cheek. "Bye mum"

"Bye babies! Try to be home for dinner, ok? And good luck on your first day"

"Will try!" I chuckled then drove off.

I parked my car then ran off without looking at Kylie. "Hey! What's the rush?" Kylie said yelling as I ran. "See you later Ky!" I just shouted back. Class was about to start and I was running like a psycho was after me. I reached my first class and took a sit. Thank God I'm not late. I was still catching my breath when a blonde girl caught my attention. "Hey Kendall! Why are you out of breath?"

"Suki? Why are you here?" I asked clueless.

"We just transferred here. Jourdan didn't tell you? Most of your friends already know"

"We? What do you mean We transferred?" I said highlighting the word WE.

She was about to answer when another familiar face came in followed by my friends Jourdan, Gigi, Karlie and they're with Taylor too. I did not expect to see her here. Seriously, what happened after the party? Why haven't I been informed about this? Cara, the girl I've been thinking of since after the party is now studying here and worst has the same class as mine. She caught me staring at her in shock. She smiled awkwardly and took a sit beside Suki who was directly in front of me. I was still staring at Cara when Gigi caught my attention. "Kenny! Stop checking her out!" Gigi said teasing.

"What?? I'm not checking her out! I was just surprised they're here." I said being all defensive.

"Whatever you say babe" she still teased when Mrs Miller came in.

The class started with the usual introduction. It was Cara's turn, she started talking and introduced herself. "Name's Cara Delevingne. I play drums, guitar and I beatbox too. Fave subject is English, I guess." She said with a small awkward laugh. "Hoot! Your accent is hot!" one guy from the back shouted. "Maybe you can show me more of your talents tonight babe" another said. "Oh and I forgot to mention, I don't only BEATBOX but I can BEAT the crap out of assholes too with my Jiu Jitsu" she shot back at the guys from the back which made the smiles on their faces fade and sat back in silence. I smiled and was feeling amazed of Cara. She's so talented and brave. Omg, can she be more perfect that this? She caught me staring and gave me a wink! I felt butterflies on my stomach. They won't stop flutter their wings. I knew my face was now as red as a freaking tomato and it was just a wink from Cara. Damn, she's so hot!

The day ended and it was the same in all my classes. Introduction, etc. You know, the usual shit. I was on a different class with Cara after English. I felt disappointed. I had 3 classes today but I get to be with Cara in just one. Gigi and I waited for the others at the hallway. We decided to go to our usual hangout place in front of the school. The other's got out of class and we started walking to our hang out place. It's like a small pub, the owner Gerry is a friend of ours so he let us stay there and do whatever we want even if it's closed. "Hailey did not attend a single class today! Is something wrong with her?" Gigi asked worried.

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