Chapter 19

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The data analyst, the technical expert, the psychologist and their striking boss had all their eyes on the landline phone- not that they could see anything through the phone- but it had the speaker on, relaying the happenings directly from in front of the travel agency where the local police were executing their freshly laid operation.

"Is everything ready?" asked Vedant calmly. The operation was very significant for his investigation. If he could get Samar's family under his control, he could get Samar talking.

"Yes, Sir," replied the officer in-charge, Priya from the other side. "I have arranged a cart containing a variety of products which will be positioned right in front of the travel agency's door. Peanuts, cakes, corn...everything is available, packed. Waiting for your go."

"Good. Check the amount the travel agency guy purchases and monitor what he does with that. Did you check the other floors?"

"Yes Sir. Out of the five floors, 3 floors hold offices- mostly small scale ones. The other two floors contain rental rooms."

"Perfect. Samar's family could be in any of the rooms."

"I am sure, they are. I did notice clothes of a little boy, may be 4 or 5 years old- hung for dry on the corridor. Why don't we knock every door and check?"

"No. Seeing the police, they might panic and might try an escape with the help of the travel agency guy. We need to get the three together in the room, for which we have to follow the guy."

"Right Sir. Shall I give the order?"

"Yes. Go ahead. I don't want any heroics. Don't force the guy to buy anything. No contact with the guy whatsoever. He shouldn't become suspicious. If he doesn't buy anything, leave it. Don't compel him."

"Ok Sir."

"Stay in line."

Silence installed itself in the squad room once again. Ruby sat with a blank expression. She wasn't able to decide on her next move. She tried her best to analyse Samar but somewhere she felt she failed miserably. Somewhere she felt Samar got better of her. She wasn't able to come up with a solution to deal with her target. Her job was to profile the suspect and give possible solutions to deal with the person. She was pretty excited to work on Samar initially when her boss offered her the task. A lot of confidence was put on her even though she was new to the job and the team. She felt she was under Samar's skin but later realised Samar was the one who was always in complete control. His mind was like a tracer bullet- quickly gauging the situation, framing the various alternative decisions, choosing the best one and acting accordingly. There was fear in him, a fear which he probably loved to face. His fear was his strength. Was it an inborn trait or an acquired one- converting his fear as his strength? She wasn't able to identify. A ruffling noise from the speaker diverted her attention back to the squad room. If Samar's family was captured, it would be a huge leverage against him. They could use them to get Samar talking.

"Sir. The stall is on. Our guy is shouting out offers," informed Priya.

"Good. Any movement from the travel agency guy- What the hell is his name?" Vedant couldn't believe he didn't even ask for the name of the guy.

"Lohan...Lohan Mishra."

"Lohan. Any changes in him? His activity...his behaviour."

"He looks like he is listening intently to the sale outside his door," said Priya peering closely at her binoculars. She was positioned at the top floor in the opposite building.

"What do you reckon? How is his travel agency business? Running good?"

"I am not sure. His office is a shabby picture, a dusty fog. From the look of it, the business seems struggling- Sir...Lohan is making a move. He is coming outside his office and taking a look at the cart."

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