Chapter 8

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"What are you getting paid for?" snarled Vikram. "This is utter incompetence!!" The entrance of Viscos towers assembled 15 members from different security services who were on duty during the night of the murder. Vikram bustled around agitated. Dressed in a light green shirt and a khaki pant, the outline of the rain drops on his shirt was evidently visible. The rain cried continuously creating a drowsy atmosphere. But not for Vikram. He was furious. 15 members were awake and near the crime scene, yet not a single man had seen anything. It was something he couldn't just accept.

"How can you not have seen anything? Weren't you standing by the gate? What did you do as soon as you heard the noise? You heard the noise, right? Or were you all deep in your sleep?" questioned Vikram. "ANSWER ME!" he shouted when no one showed any sign of life. "There is no point in standing with lowered heads. A man was run over by a vehicle and none of you have seen anything. Shame can't help you or me now. Did any of you even rush to help the man at least?"

With no response from the other side, Vikram stood glaring at the assembly. His tall hefty figure sent intimidating waves. The group was a mix of all age groups but predominantly above 50 years, who worked to support their family in any way possible. Fear and humiliation painted the security men's faces. "Ok tell me...what exactly happened?" Vikram realised his blasting wasn't going to help him in getting answers, even the smallest of them. He lowered his voice and spoke softly. "If you aren't going to answer, it won't take me much time to talk to your security companies and get you dismissed," said Vikram with contempt. He knew fear of losing their job would definitely make at least a few open their mouths. It was just a matter of time. If one of them began to talk, everyone would follow.

"I heard a noise around 1 am," began one of the elder men. Vikram sighed internally. His investigation had finally taken off. "I was in my cabin. By the time I came out, there were people surrounding the man who was hit."

"So you didn't go to the crowd?"

"No! I mean...It's not like I didn't care. But I couldn't leave the gate unguarded," explained the man.

"You didn't see the vehicle which hit that man?"

"No, Sir," replied the man earnestly.

"Did anyone see the vehicle which was involved in the accident?" Most of them shook their head. "Don't dare tell me it was dark or any other ridiculous excuses!" Silence. "Did anyone see who called for the ambulance and police?"

"No Sir!" Another man came front. "I rushed to the scene to check on the man. I even called, but one of them said he had already informed. So I hung up."

"How come you left the gate?" asked Vikram.

"We were two men guarding that night," replied the man. "I realised the man was already dead looking at the amount of blood around. More men began to crowd, vehicles began to stop...I stood for some time and then left. After few minutes the police were here."

"Did the man who said he had called the police present when the police arrived?"

"No Sir! Just like me, the guy left after few minutes."

"How? Was he with someone else?"

"There was another man. Both of them walked away from the crowd. I didn't notice after that," replied the man more confidently.

"Can you describe the man? How did he look like?"

"I don't know..." replied the man hesitantly with fear brushing his face looking at Vikram's fiery expression. "I don't really remember well, Sir. He looked normal. Nothing unusual."

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