Chapter three

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In the late evening they finally arrived at an island. it was thundering and storming the ships rocking and crashing against the waves. Soon they made camp in a cave and a small fire arose in a cave deep into the island, the forest was noisy from the animals and the wind. Elizabeth shook in the coldness Henry's arm wrapping around her shoulders his black coat swirling around them both. he looked her in the eyes, she was looking back, their eyes sparkling in the fire. the faint sound of snoring could be heard around the cave the crew fast asleep. The two were the only ones left awake, as though this was a moment for them alone. Elizabeth parted her lips slightly slowly leaning in almost waiting for Henry to lean also closing the space between them but instead he stared at her frowning "I can't Elizabeth I would end up breaking ye's heart I couldn't..." He sighed slowly getting up "I...I think we should head on to bed...." He picked up the makeshift bow and arrow he crafted earlier that day "I'll see ye in the mornin..." Elzibeth slowly got up picking her blade up staring at the sleeping crew sighing, she put it in its Leather holster walking out of the cave she dashed off into the stormy forest, rain and fog blocking her vision she hissed slightly stopping, she didn't know where she was at the time, her clothes were soaked at the time. She moved her dark red hair out of the way, meanwhile on the other side of the island the British feet set up camp the commander barking orders the commander looked in his mid 30s he had short black hair falling to his neck he was a high rank in the fleet higher instead of carrying a blade he carried a small silver pistol it glemmed in the night his dull eyes glares at Henry smirking slightly he was holding Henry down on the ground stepping on his back watching him squirm, he let out a broken laugh of enjoyment "yes Squirm....tire yourself out....we will return you to the queen in the morning " they all let out another chuckle of enjoyment "oh don't worry lad...ya won't be needing anything anymore" he sneered delightfully grabbing ahold of Henry's throat stepping off of him picking him up watching him Squirm and kick they shoved him against a tree snatching both of his arms tying him up to one of the tree branches above of him, Henry dangled helplessly, the commander reeled his fist back hitting Henry straight in the jaw, his head hitting the back of the tree the commander shook his hand shaking the blood off of it "where are the others sea-dog..." He leveled his gaze towards the commanders dull blue eyes "it's fer me ta know and ye to find out..." He chuckled in his own amusement, Henry spit his own blood at the. Commander watching it splatter on his cheek, Henry smiled devilishly, "oh? It seems ye have somethin on ye's cheek lad" another blow to the nose say Henry off guard he snarled slightly, Henry quickly backed up slowly setting his feet on the base of the tree lunging forward wrapping his arms around the commanders neck, he bring the commanders head down kneeing him in the nose, he held his hands up quickly a bullet going thru the rope in the middle of his wrist he pulled his wrist apart smiling devilishly again looking at the fleets crew "I'll spare ye lads deliver the queen a message..." He snickered slightly, watching the whole crew nod vigorously "tell the queen~ that I'm comin for she better hide all her gold and keep everything locked and secured or else~~" he licked his lips slightly holding out his hand "now as for ye....I want all of yer gold pouches...don't try to hide any from me or else I'll know laddys" each of them placed one full pouch in his hand he smiled weighing them in his mind he stuck them in his own pouch and dashed off grabbing one of the crews blades......meanwhile back at camp Elizabeth moved some of her hair out of her eyes careful not to burn it in the fire (even tho she had a tendency to do so) she pulled out her blade from the fire smiling a little looking at the bright red/orange burning blade, she placed the blade on her wrist, listening to the sizzle sound finally after a minute she took it off looking at her pirate mark frowning the burns somewhat covered it up but if was still visible to the naked eye. Just as she was about to place the blade back on her wrist Henry ran into the cave almost slipping his gold pouch full she stood up quickly "henry! You didn't!" He looked up quickly blood trailing down his chin and nose he smiled again "what~ I couldn't resist lassy... It was a moment of weakness okay~~" she huffed crossing her arms "Henry! Where trying to lay low let the other pirates, do what they wish....if ye keep up ye's act we are going to get captured and killed! Me crew is me family! And ye's not going to take them away from me over yer stupid shenanigans!" She crossed her arms poking her bottom lip out slightly, she glared at Henry "no more! Not after a couple of days!" He huffed slightly "okay okay fine" "promise me Henry" he looked taken aback by her words "what??" She frowned slightly "promise me Henry promise me ye won't do something like that again until we leave " he let out a huff of frustration glaring at her, although she was right he never wanted to obey her every command like some kind of dog! He was a captin for gods sake not a dog! And he wouldn't be treated as such he frowned "I promise..." She smiled as she took his hand they finally both shook in a deal, oh man what did he get himself into?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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