Chapter 1: At The Club

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At the Demon's Death there's a young fourteen girl waiting to perform. while waiting her sister Zyade was helping her get ready.

"Rose you'll do fine."

"How do you know?"

'because it's you. That and El's out there if you need help."

"Ok........"she said looking so unsure of herself.

"Angel's Rose? You go on in five."

"Better get out there Rose.

Rose looked at her sister one last time before walking out of her dressing room.

Then when she walked out, staying on the backstage area every person in the club was so quiet. So quiet you could hear a pin drop. Rose had the microphone in hand and could hear the band starting to play the music. Her nervous were trying to get the best of her but she was too quick. She walked onto stage starting the song as she walked. Her demon shadow black hair pulled back so everyone could see her moonlit silver streaks in her hair as she let it fall to her mid back. The braids laying nicely down as the beads at the end of the braids caught the lights excentaly. The design painted around her eyes making it look like she was a helper of death. Her shirt; slashed, cut, and torn yet holding a red tank top under it off setting the black perfectly. Her shredded mini skirt with slashed leggings, allowing her blade holders to show on both her upper legs. Then the shoes she wore looked like what a vampire hunter would wear pulling together her outfit amazingly. Then when she got to the center of the stage it was the chorus of the song.

"'Cause your soul is on fire

A shot in the dark,

What did they aim for when they

missed your heart

I breathe underwater

It's all in my hands

What can I do

Don't let it fall apart

A shot in the dark"

Then continued the song until the end when she got a standing ovation. With that the lights went totally black on stage as she walked off stage her outfit changing as she walked. Changing into a beautiful knee length dress that was all black and had pretty silver roses on it with blood red butterflies laying lightly on the roses.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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