Chapter 18 - ***REVISED***

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"Bloody hell," Reese swore, savagely.

Brandon, who walked alongside Reese through the colony, tossed him a curious glance before turning his attention back to the person who'd yelled out Reese's name.

"MacIntosh! I ken ye possess ears on both sides av yer head! I'm wantin' a smattering av words wi' ye.'"

"I'm workin'. I'll come to ye after!"

"Nay! Ye'll come now, MacIntosh!"

Reese cursed again under his breath, and to Brandon's surprise, he changed his course, heading toward the couple's home.

"Insolent auld man," Reese muttered, his long stride bringing him closer to their residence.

"Shall I give you a moment alone with—"

"Dinna finish tha' heinous question. Ye said ye wanted to 'ave a look aroond – and now ye will. Ye're stuck as I am."

"He's reduced you to a child," Brandon returned flatly. "I can see the fear in your eyes...and you're rewarding his insolence by your acquiescence. Good God, he's just a harmless old man. More than likely, he requires assistance with something."

Reese suddenly stopped walking and pinned Brandon with a fierce glare. "Tha's no harmless auld man. Tha's Magnus."

"Stop all tha' haverin' and get ye in 'ere. Ye both look like a couple av biddies bletherin' on while I'm standing 'ere wi' the door wide open waitin' for ye tae come in!"

When the two men stood directly before Magnus, neither of them looking too happy about it, Magnus squinted an eye up at them and frowned. "Weel? Wha' are ye waitin' fer? Git ye inta th' hoose, lads!"

Brandon scowled at the command while Reese frowned. "Couldna verra well come in th' hoose wi' ye blockin' th' doorway, Magnus."

"Eh?" replied Magnus. "Weel, listen tae th' mouth on ye! Mibbe ye take tha' tone wi' yer subordinates, MacIntosh; but ye willna git awa' wi' it in this hoose! Not wi' me! Ye hear? Now, sit ye doon. I've got some words fer ye.'"

 Brandon watched, again in surprise, as Reese hesitantly made his way to the chair to which Magnus nodded.

Brandon inched backward, toward the door, ignoring the warning glare blaring from Reese's eyes. Suddenly, Magnus whipped to face him, making him pause. Brandon had never seen such speed in one so well along in years.

"And where do ye think ye're goin', yer majesty?"

"Grace," Brandon corrected, awkwardly.


"It's 'your grace,' not 'majesty.'"

Behind them, Reese snorted, which attracted Brandon's hard glare. Reese's smile didn't waver.

"Thas wha' ye want me to call ye?" The sudden quiet in Magnus' voice unnerved Brandon.

Brandon shook his head. "You may call me Manchester."

Magnus' brows rose, nearly lifting the wrinkles on his face to his hairline. "Thank ye fer yer kindness."

Sarcasm. Brandon knew it well; though he was taken aback at hearing it dripping from Magnus' lips so virulently, and in his direction..

"So where were ye off tae?"

"I thought perhaps you might want a word alone with MacIntosh."

Magnus cackled, slapping his knee, true mirth sparkling in his eyes. "Ye dinna think tha' at all, wished fer escape, but alas, there's no escape fer ye now, lad. If ye wanted tha', ye shoulda run away when first I called. Now, th' both av ye 'ave some listenin' tae do. Take th' seat alongside Reese."

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