Chapter 23 - ***REVISED***

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A/N: Delivery! *I'll shut up for once and let you just read*

Alla's pace quickened in her endeavor to keep in step with Brandon. He smashed through the front door, leaving it splintered at the hinges and making a long crack down the center of the full length mirror that stood by the entrance. Pausing in the doorway, Alla leaned to the side, looking beyond Brandon's shoulder and saw Reese, hunched over the first few steps leading to the second floor.

For just that instant he was frozen, muscles taut in ready defense. Half a second more and he licked his lips, his eyes locked on Brandon. In calculating scrutiny, they shifted for a fraction of a second to the damage done to the door, etc.; then back to Brandon. Setting down the hammer, he stood, legs braced apart. "I suggest ye fix th' door ye broke, Manchester," he stated, "otherwise we'll be havin' one av those conversations me wife despises so much."

Brandon's steps were measured and sure as he entered the room. Slowly, he rolled up his left sleeve.

Alla's eyes widened fractionally.

He then rolled up his right sleeve. Reese only stared at him, his expression one of boredom.

"I'm going to put some questions to you, MacIntosh. If I don't like the answers, I'll gladly welcome those conversations," Brandon stated, in a cold rage.

If Alla hadn't been watching Reese closely, she might have missed the flash of surprise in his eyes before it was quickly disguised, drowned again, in a guarded, yet sober expression.

Reese slowly lifted his arms, pacing the room in a half circle, coming into closer proximity with Brandon. "Because I see ye're truly out av sorts -- I'll answer yer damn questions and then ye'll fix tha' door," he ordered, his tone brooking no room for disagreement. "Ask."

Brandon's jaw ticked murderously. "The... letter... was... discovered."

Reese's expression remained flat...and when he saw Brandon wasn't going to continue, he responded, albeit, impatiently. "Wha' letter?"

Alla turned, walking to a window at the side of the house, her brows drawing together as she peered outside, before turning toward the two men in the room, her expression one of relief.

When Brandon extended the missive scrawled in Mr. Strider's distinct hand, Reese immediately retrieved it. His eyes widened fractionally as they read the contents, then quickly shot up to Brandon's. "Wha' is this?"

"Breanne and Alla discovered it in the solicitor's office, along with the fraudulent contract you delivered for her to sign," Brandon bit, scathingly. "I've read over it myself...very clever how you had it drawn up," he continued in a hard voice. "Unfortunately for you, I am a business man, and have deduced exactly what Breanne's signature upon that contract would have meant for her. You and that Mr. Strider will be spending either a very long time in prison, or a very short time at the end of a noose."

Alla stepped further into the room as Reese slowly crumpled the letter within his hand, fury contorting his features. In a strained voice, he spoke,

"Me 'n mine hae only done right by Breanne. Me granda willed this land tae Lachlan, who is passin' it to 'is nephews at 'is death. If nae fer Lachlan, Breanne would be left wi' naught tae call 'er own! Tha' is why she was graciously offered th' residence in Liverpool! Tha' contract entitles Breanne tae th' inheritance th' Colin, Adam 'n I are tae receive from Lachlan... after he passes. The land Breanne stays upon was tae be Adam's lot – and his signature on those papers were necessary fer us tae begin work on th' gold mines; her signature would now secure 'er future!"

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