-; epilogue

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— Dokyeom

My heart is shattered into pieces.

I closed my eyes and leaned on the wall beside me.

Three hours ago, I received a call from Dokyeom's mom.

He is no longer existing.

What if I actually knew about his illness?
What if I knew he suffered depression?
What if I could've made a change?

He might be by my side right now.

But I was an idiot not to realize anything.

Knowing that his notes will never come again,
made me realize his importance and my affection towards him.
He has become my daily happiness that indeed, never fails to make my days.

He is the only light in my dark path.

I looked across the scattered polaroids.

Dokyeom looked so happy.
Yet there was sadness hidden in every smile.

Those memories were all what is left.

"Goodbye, Dokyeom."

Handwritten ;; DokyeomWhere stories live. Discover now