Saint Chocolate Day

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Saint Chocolate Day

"Every simple thing has a sentimental value"

Ayato recieved the book earlier that morning. She was thrilled. The book made her heart feel warm. A warmth she is somehow familiar of.

"Ayato, what's that?"

Yori must have noticed the comic book she was hugging against her chest.

"A comic book... a special one..."

Her smiled never faded that time. That is until most girls start to squeal. Their hight pitch voice hurt her ears.

"Yes! Chocolate Day's tomorrow!~"

"I'll give my love to Ichijou-senpai!~"



< Ayato's P.O.V >

Ugh! Again with the squeals? What's the occasion tomorrow anyway? I never heard of this kind of celebration? Only Valentine's Day...

"Yori, what's Chocolate Day?"

"You mean you don't know?"

I shook my head then she gave me a smile and hands me a cookbook. Confusing... this is confusing. What am I suppose to do with this cookbook? Duh! To cook, of course! Okay, I have got to break this habit of talking to myself...

"It's the day where you bake a chocolate and give them to the one important to you and tell them your love..."

O......kay? Might as well make a chocolate tonight and give it to Yukine. The bell rang, indicating that school is over. All of them ran out of the room hoping not even one of prefect can catch them. Night Class, again?

As for me, might as well buy some ingredients for my gift...

TAP TAP TAP, CHOP CHOP CHOP, blah blah blah, whatever sound effects you can think of...

Hmm... there's something missing... Vampire... blood... Can I cut myself to let blood drop on this unfreezed chocolate?


~A million thoughts in my head
Should I let my heart keep listening
'Cause up 'till now I've walked the line
Nothing lost but something missing~

*yawn* At last, it's morning. Care to know what I ended up on deciding last night? Hmm... you'll know later. Haha! That was the most stupidest, yet, that-somehow-felt-warm-thing-that's-in-my-chest-thing I've ever done!

"*Prrrrt*" goes Yuuki's whistle as she step in the middle of the path. What's with the canopies anyway?

"Okay, might I remind you that this is no game! -blah blah blah"

[A/N: The same way she's explaining in the manga or animé]

Oh, so it's like a divider for each Night Class student. Everyone is going on their chosen lines. I paled. I frantically looked back and forth for the canopy that has Yukine's name on it.

THERE! But no one even paid attention to it. I'm nervous. Even if I'm hiding behind this stupid huge tree!

The doors opened to reveal the Night Class.


Holy Chicken!!! Where is he? There! I see him! Who-ho! Way to go, Ayato! Yeah!~ Ah-huh!~ Oh yeah!~ (Victory dance in my head)

He's being dragged by another blond with emerald eyes. He's like a cheerful, and calm type of vampire. I'm impressed.


I can do this!!!

No, I can't!!!

Yes, I can...


Waaaah! It's a battle of brain cells!!! Oh please help me! What should I do?! But before I can step back, someone grab the box of chocolate from my hand and threw it to Yukine's direction.

< Yukine's P.O.V >

"No, I won't!" I argued

"Yes you are! This is only a once a year opportunity!" Ichijou-san grabbed my arm and dragged me out the dorm

Care to know how I ended up in this situation? Well, let me just say I refused to participate in this Chocolate Day, which is today, that they're talking about. Actually, they've been (Aidou & Ichijou) arguing with me since yesterday.

The gates opened with me being pulled by Ichijou-san. All I can hear are the girls' squealing everytime Aido-san pointed at them with his gun(hand).

Since Shiki-san isn't up for it either, Ichijou-san let go of me and went to drag Shiki-san to his canopy. Phew! Thank you, Shiki-san.

Only mine is uncrowded, otherwise, empty. That's why, the next thing that happened is what surprised me: a box of chocolate went flying to me. I have to thank my instincs because I manage to catch it.

I looked at the gift card attached to it. Ayato.

Across me, beside a tree, was her figure. She seemed surprise. I even saw her punch the silver haired prefect...Zero, was it? Several times.

[A/N: Just like how when Yuuki punched Zerp for throwing her's to Kaname]

< Ayato's P.O.V>

"Waaah! Why did you do that, Kiryuu!" I cried as I hit him (lightly) repeatedly

"You look so desperate to give it! Ow! Stop it!"

Waaaah! That was so embarrassing! Half of it is! Grrrr! Kiryuu! You're a dead meat!

It ended and the Night Class walk straight to the dorm. Yukine passed by me and whispered a...

"Thank you..."

I smiled. You're welcome...

"Okay! I'm done! I'm leaving!"

I dashed away for my face. I am so darn red! After this Chocolate day, what will happen tomorrow? From now on?

It took me too long to update because I have no internet. Mother forbid me for the past weeks. I have a Summative test coming up.

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