Chapter One :: The New Girl

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✝ Fool "Devyn" Anderson ✝

Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep be-

My hand shot out from under my silky covers, slapping the alarm clock off the table in order to stop the annoying beeping sound. The stupid thing had been going off for at least ten minutes, and I had been foolishly hoping it would turn off on it's own. In fact, I'd been trying to 'use the force' to shut the damn thing off with my mind.

Letting out a groan, I rolled out of bed and landed on my side beside the clock, groggily blinking my sleepy eyes. Mumbling inaudible curses under my breath, I shoved myself to my feet and stumbled into my adjoined bathroom, grunting when I ran into the wall. Stupid wall.

I took one of my infamously long showers, enjoying the warm water beating down on me the whole time. I always got up half an hour earlier than necessary, just so that I could stay in longer. Water was my favorite place to be, and it really woke me up in the mornings. Me without a shower was like a physco without a straight jacket. Yea, chaos. 

When I finally climbed out to a steamy bathroom and fogged up mirror, I felt alive and ready to go. Flipping on my iPhone, I hooked it up to my iHome dock that was stationed on the counter and blasted music. That done, I wandered out into my room to find clothes, my head bobbing in time with the loud songs.

Quickly deciding on light skinny jeans, a plain white shirt, and my signature baby blue and grey jacket, I changed and made my way back into the bathroom, drying my hair with my thick black towel. It turned out wild and unruly, sticking up this way and that.

Raking a comb through my hair, it was soon nice and straight again. The black streaks stood out nicely in my chocolate brown hair, and I took a moment to inspect my skin. Flawless, as usual, and a satisfied look entered my striking blue eyes.

Glancing at the time, I saw I had fifteen minutes before school started and bolted into the bedroom. Grabbing my checkered backpack off the desk chair, I snatched my phone off the dock and headed out into the hallway.

Turning the corner and taking the stairs two at a time, I skid across the tile on my socks and sped into the kitchen. A strawberry poptart lay on the counter where my grandmother had left it, and I grabbed it as I passed. Stepping into my shoes and grabbing my keys, I was out the door in record time - less than six minutes. 

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I looked up with a scowl as I heard Blaire Davison's familiar voice calling for me over the noise of the crowded lunch room. I told her time after time to call me by my "new" name, Devyn. But she stubbornly refused, declaring that her nickname for me was far cuter. That's what I get for telling her the story of my birth parents, I guess.

"FOOLY!" I couldn't see her, but her voice was right behind me. Before I had a chance to turn around, I felt her weight collide with my back as she successfully jumped on it, coiling her arms and legs around me. I grunted but managed to stay standing, noticing the jealous glares several of my classmates shot me.

With her short red-pink-purple-black hair, red contacts and darling features, Blaire was certainly one to turn heads. With both her looks and her attitude, which was nearly as loud. Not that I had any attraction to her - oh, no, she was practically my sister. The spunky chick moved in next door when I was barely able to walk, and we were destined to become best friends. At least, that's how Blaire put it.

Regaining my balance, I resumed walking towards our usual table with the spider monkey clinging to my back, going on about some chick fight I'd missed. I made sure to catch all the details, just in case anyone wanted to set up a bet. 

Normally dealing bets wasn't what I did, but sometimes I made exceptions when my classmates are practically begging for me to set one up. I personally would rather go seeking for juice bits of gossip for them rather than risk money with the bets. But that was just me.

I felt Blaire slip off my back as we arrived at our table, and I plopped down on the bench while checking to see who all were already here. Blaire sat next to me, and our three other best buds were seated across from us - Trevor Holiday, Dakota Angel, and Amie Swift.

They were all pretty close to me, and they were the only ones who knew my story. I'd known Trevor since we were thirteen and played on the same soccer team. Dakota and Amie were both scene girls whom I'd met two years ago when we started tenth grade, and they got along great with Blaire. I was beginning to suspect that they helped each other dye their hair; Dakota had green, blue, black and blonde hair, while Amie had solid black locks that she occasionally added streaks to. Crazy girls.

"Hey, what's english homework again?" Amie directed her question at me, stabbing a fork in her salad and cramming some in her mouth. Amie had the oddest eating style - it was hardly polite, but it wasn't down right disgusting. Some how she managed to pull it off, and most guys called it hot.

"Page 367," Blaire cut in and answered before I could. Which was convenient, since I was still trying to figure out how I was going to eat my In-n-Out protein wrap without making a mess of it, which was like mission impossible with me.

Trevor saw what I was doing, and started to say something - no doubt about my girly food preferences in burgers - but I beat him to it, snapping, "Don't you dare comment, Trevor Logan Holiday."

That's right. Pulled the middle name card on him. Smirking smugly at the girls' laughter, I managed to take a decent bite out of my burger without making a mess. One point for Devyn!

I was just about to take another bite, when I saw her. Straight dark brown hair cascaded down her shoulders, splashed with wisps of blonde in her bangs. Crystal clear blue eyes searched the cafeteria in confusion, and it was obvious she was new to our school.

Just then she glanced in our direction, and her gaze briefly met mine. A bit of lettuce fell in my lap, and I saw her laugh before snaking through the crowd, making her way undeniably towards me and my friends.

Oh god.

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