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Sunrises are almost non-existent in the morning of late summer. The sun is either triumphantly high up as you reach over to slap the snooze button for the third time; or it's hidden like a sleuth in the shadowy realm of the treetops as you spin the chains on your bike, stare at the sky wishfully from the bustop, or stuff your hands in your pockets all along the cracked sidewalk.

It was bright for this morning. I stuffed my hands in my pockets all along the cracked sidewalk, thinking, oh how true that was. One day, when Mom comes home, I'll go see a sunrise.

The soft tmph-ing of soles against concrete alerted my senses. It wasn't so unusual for a runner or two in their later ages to take a stroll through the neighborhoods and run into students.

Like the respectful representation of the student body I was, I moved to the right a few inches. The footsteps grew louder, quicker. This person seemed to really, really, want an intense workout. Sweat rose on my forehead. Holy shit, they're intimidating.

The noise was overbearing now. They would pass in a minute, and then be out of my life. The footsteps grew, and grew, and... Eren was there.

I hit him upside the head. "I was legitimately scared, you idiot!"

"Ow!" he squeaked, but it was muffled. By toast. He squeaked again. "Stop hitting me!" Eren was jogging backwards, facing me.

"Why are you in a hurry?" I asked bitterly.

He gave me a concerned look. "I'm late for school." Eren turned around and continued running furiously.

"Wait," I called, confused. "It's only eight..." I pulled out my phone. 8:53. My feet stopped working, and I stared dumbly at my phone for a few seconds. Feeling like there was some slight deja vu at place, I ran after the freshman.

He grinned over the toast. "Hello."

It was a freak coincidence that we were both late, on the same day, at the same time. "How?" I breathed.

"Our grid went out last night. Some thunderstorm, huh? Woke me up and everything."

"And I didn't realize?"

"That," he panted, "is your deal."

I mentally cursed myself. There was a quiz in Pre-Calculus, and not only would we be late for it, but I wouldn't have any review time. And so much for grabbing a quick breakfast in the cafeteria before class.

Eren seemed to know this, for some reason. "You usually don't eat breakfast at home, do you?" He took the toast out of his mouth. "Want some?"

He raised an eyebrow as I lurched back, almost tripping on the cracked sidewalk. "No! It's probably drooled on, anyways."

"Okay." He frowned somewhat disappointingly.

The school loomed over the nearest trees like an ominous sunrise. If we ran fast enough, we could make it before they locked the doors. Probably. With only a tinge of embarrassment, I stretched, trying to go faster. I didn't realize how close the school was. Maybe I just walked too slow. "Eren!" I called back to the wheezing fellow. "There's a late bus- if we just join them-"

"Oh, no! I can't do that!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"I can't stain my freshman year with lies!"

I rolled my eyes. "Your funeral." There was a crowd of students exiting a bus, indeed. Just our luck. Slowing, Eren finally caught up, muttering worries. The toast was eaten. I glanced at him, flailing hopelessly beside my jog. "What's wrong with you?"

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