Sophia's Choice

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"Welcome daughter, I know your feeling confused and afraid so go ahead and ask your questions, I will try to answer them all." "Where am I, why am I here, how did I get here, how long was I out, who are you, and what do you want from me?" I hurriedly asked. "Easy child you are still weak from your transformation. As you already know I'm Caroline the high priestess of a very small, but elite vampire coven. You also know this is Meredith my daughter and one of the best of our healers that we have here and that fiery woman that stormed out of here earlier is my second in command and unfortunately my sister Safaria, but unfortunately you have already met her too. Your in the darkest part of the enchanted forest here in Winchester. You got here when we were out hunting and we heard your terrifying screams. You sounded like a severely injured wild animal at first then we realized that you were a human and we came running to find you, you were in so much pain and we didn't want to see you suffer any longer so we brought you here to safety. You have been unconscious for a week and we were starting to worry that the change had claimed you. Lastly the only thing we want to do with you is to help you through the change. I believe that answers all of your questions." "What do you mean you thought the change claimed me?" I asked "Meredith do you want to explain the change to Sophia or should I?" Caroline asked. "I'll explain it to her. You see Sophia your not a normal girl, not anymore your transforming into a vampire. There is always a chance that when a person is transforming that the change could claim their life. I know this sounds crazy and scary, but it's the truth. I don't understand how because you were not bitten by a fellow vampire yet your transforming." Meeting my eyes with a very kind and caring gaze she continued." I know what it's like to go through this alone and I hope you won't have to go through that ever. So will you stay and let us help you through this or do you want to face it alone, its your choice." Meredith said " My choice is....


" My choice is to stay here and learn how to get through this transformation and become a vampire." I said " Excellent, that's what I was hoping you would say. Now as Meredith said earlier we don't understand why your changing because you were not bitten, however I have a theory that you are transforming through the ancient way of this gift being passed off by your parents. Actually speaking of your parents, they left you this letter." Hesitantly I took the large envelope from Caroline grasp and clutched it tightly in my fists. "I believe it explains everything you need to know about what your going to go through. I'm sorry this is stressful and someone should have explained this to you already but your parents swore us to secrecy through a letter we received a day before we found you in the beginning stage of transformation. We thought they were insane because we never knew about the ancient transformation of vampires until we had you examined. I didn't think my theory was correct, but thats only possible lead we have; so we'll just have to go with it. We thought it was impossible, and we still do but here you are. I know this is kind of complicated but just bare with us ok, your the first fledgling we've ever had start to change like this and we don't know exactly what to expect." Caroline said "Well it will be a new experience for both of us. You said I'm in the beginning of transition, what does that mean?" I asked "That's a good question, well you see there are three stages of transition a fledgling will go through to become a vampire. First you go through physical transition, which means your beauty will be amplified to lure prey to you while your hunting, your hair well get thicker and longer very quickly, and your nails will grow fast and very sharp. In between stage one and stage two your strength, speed, coordination, and flexibility increase. We don't understand why it happens between the transitions its just always been the case with every fledgling we've had. Stage Two is when your senses transition. That's when your sense of sight, smell, taste, hearing and direction are heightened and become more powerful. Now I realize it sounds strange that your sense of direction would become more powerful but I believe this is because of our predatory instincts we develop after our other senses become heightened. The last stage of transition is emotional transition. At this stage your emotions are amplified as is your personality. So for example if your a jealous person then you will become easily more jealous, which would lead to rage and possibly even violence. Your emotions can and will get the best of you many times, but the trick is to control it not let it control you. Well I believe I covered everything about transition, do you have any questions?" "I do have a question, is the physical transition suppose to cause immense pain?" "Not unless....." "Not unless what? Is there something wrong with me!" "No of course not, Sophia your perfectly healthy and right on track with transition." Caroline reassured me "Well than why did you say not unless, and not finish your sentence if there's nothing wrong with me?" "Caroline do you mind if I tell her?" Meredith asked "Of course go ahead Meredith." "Thank you Caroline, Sophia the reason Caroline didn't finish saying what she was going to say is because when fledgling experiences immense pain during stage one it is usually a sign that, that fledgling will be incredibly gifted." "Really; but what if I experienced pain only because I'm changing differently then typical fledglings" I asked " Sophia you can try to believe that and you may be right, but I don't believe that. I believe that you are gifted with everything good inside me and I hope someday you can believe that too." Meredith said " Meredith could you come here for a moment please?" Caroline asked " Uh okay, Sophia we will be back in just a moment ok." Meredith stammered " Okay just be quick in case I start to feel sick again, I wouldn't want to vomit all over." I joked " We'll be just a moment." they said in unison. I don't know why, but I had a bad feeling about what they were going to talk about. Oh well I'll just have to wait and see. Caroline and Meredith exited the room gently closing the door behind them. "Meredith did you see her eyes?" "Yes I did what about them?" "Well when you were talking to her about being gifted I studied her very closely." "And?" Meredith said impatiently tapping her foot "And, I looked at her eyes and a glittering lightning pattern passed through them." " The lightning pattern! Are you absolutely sure?" "Yes, Meredith I'm completely sure." "But the lightning pattern..." "Is a symbol for uttermost power yes I know that Meredith. Only one of a thousand vampires created can receive this mark. Do you realize what this means for the child? She will never be left alone. Evil will constantly want to corrupt her with her innermost dark urges and get her on its side!" "That can never happen Caroline, if darkness manages to get her on its side the balance will become uneven and horrifying things could happen!" Meredith exclaimed " I know, Meredith that's why your going to be her protector."

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