What Will I Choose?

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I have to look strong, I can't let my emotions get in the way, just get through dinner than shuffle through the memorial and everything will be okay. Little did I know that everything was just beginning. Looking back I wish I had known that but unfortunately I can't tell the future. The sun was just beginning to set when I left my study. I don't think I'll ever get use to that. It just seems too surreal, but this my life now. Anyways I left my study and began searching through the armoire of clothes I now have for clothes to wear to dinner. After spending 15 minutes searching I settled on a black cardigan with a purple silk blouse, a long teardrop shaped amethyst necklace that settled right above my breasts, chunky gold bangle bracelets, black dress pants, and purple wedges with a black leopard print on the heel. I just finished curling my hair into long ringlets and sat down at the vanity to start applying my make up when a knock came from the door. I went over to the door and opened it to see Meredith once again came to check on me. " Hi Meredith come on in." I said immediately sitting back at the vanity and starting to apply my makeup. "You look beautiful, are you almost ready to go to dinner?" " Thank you so do you." and I meant it , her hair was pulled back into a bun and she was wearing a strapless black minidress paired with silver stilettoes, a gorgeous silver choker matching diamond earrings, a charm bracelet filled with exotic looking charms, and a black leather clutch. She looked stunning and made me feel slightly undressed, but I ignored it and responded "Yes I just have to put on some lip gloss and I'm ready to go" "Great, I'm here to escort you to dinner. When your ready we'll go." "I'm ready I said after I grabbed my purple leopard print shoulder purse and slung it over my shoulder." "Let us be going then." Meredith said as we strutted out of my room through the large living room, and finally into the stunning dining room where Caroline, Safaria, and four other female vampires and two male vampires were seated. Caroline was seated at the head of the table with Safaria to her right and an empty seat to her left. I assumed that seat was for Meredith and I assumed correctly because she sat down in that seat. Next to Meredith and Safaria were the four female vampires and to either side of the two female vampires seated at the end of the table were the two male vampires, the last empty seat was located at the other end of the table opposite from Caroline, I sat down and slightly fidgeted uncomfortably when Caroline began to speak. "Greeting friends let us all welcome our guest of honor Sophia Winters." All of the woman greeted me in unison and with a raise of their glasses. I started to let the tension out of my body and begin to relax when Caroline said something that made my blood run cold " We are all gathered here tonight to discuss the challenge Sophia must face, let this meeting begin.


"Sophia before we can put you through the course we must introduce you to all the leaders of our coven. As you have already met Meredith, Safaria, and I; This will make introductions shorter this is Evanine" she said gesturing to the vampire seated by Safaria "This is Kiara" Caroline said gesturing to the vampire next to Meredith "I'm Tamsin." said the vampire seated by Evanine "What, I thought I'd shake things up." Tamsin said as Caroline shot her a frustrated look "May I introduce myself, or would that make you blow up?" said the vampire I still didn't know."Alright go ahead. Tamsin got to, you might as well do the same."Caroline said "Thank you Caroline. Hello Sophia I am Rebekiah" said the vampire seated by Kiara. "I'm Dyson." said the male vampire seated by Rebekiah "I'm Asher" said the male vampire seated by Tamsin "Nice to meet you all." I said "Sophia you are going to pick which one of us leaders you would like learn from and study under, if you complete the course." "And if I don't?" "Let's just hope that doesn't happen." Caroline said cryptically "Okay how do I know which leader to pick?" "That's the easy part. Each leader specializes in some aspect of our teaching. For example four out of the nine of us have an elementally affinity. Meredith has spirit, Safaria fire, Rebekiah water, Asher air and earth. Not every fledgling will develop an elemental affinity that is why we teach a few non elemental courses. Tamsin teaches battle everything and ancient studies, while Kiara teaches exotic abilities and classes dealing with myth verses truth in the fae realm, Evanine teaches the performing arts, Dyson teaches supernatural animal studies and I teach spells and rituals."Wow that's a lot of classes." I said " You can choose to take more than one, but you choose one leader to study under, that means you mainly focus on what that leader teaches." "I have two questions. One what is the limit of classes a student can take and two when do I need my decisions need to be made by." "The limit of classes you can take is eight and your decision must be made by the night after you face the course" Caroline said "Okay, I almost forgot I have one more question. When will I face the course?" "You will face the course in one week from tomorrow. That way you have time to observe classes, pick a leader, and get adjusted to our typical schedule." Caroline stated "Okay sounds good" I said and with that our meeting about my fate was over. It was left in the wind waiting for me to find it and claim it.

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