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Dan's POV-
After yet another day of being called a faggot, I have nothing to do but skulk in my room, checking Twitter and petting my dog. Of course, Eva and her posse of puke had to take the same intro course I did. Everyone worships them like they're the queen's offspring or something, when they're just worthless pieces of dust positioned on this Earth like I am.

After I talked to Phil, he took me for an early lunch in the canteen. He bought me a small sandwich, of which I ate half of. I don't really like eating- I feel it takes up too much of the day. I'd rather be looking online. We talked for a while, until the rest of the group went to lunch. We avoided Eva and the others as we creeped through the college back to the library.
He sat me down at a table with a laptop rather than my computer separate from the rest of the group. "I'm going to sit here with you. You seem like you know what you're doing, so just go through this sheet and then do whatever you want." he said, logging on the laptop. I smiled at him, something I've never done to anyone since I was eleven. He returned the grin, white teeth shining, light reflecting off them.
After I finished the sheet, I shut down the laptop and turned to face him. "So, you like Muse, too?" I say, resting my arms on the table, underneath my chin. He nodded, pulling his phone out of his pocket to reveal the case as the Muse logo. He unlocked it and asked for my number.
I took the sheet of paper from my pocket, typing the one he gave me into a new contact, then texted him. His phone vibrated, followed by a snippet of German words, "Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger," Phil whispered along, pronouncing each word perfectly. I grin as he opens the text.
"What was that?" I ask as he relocks his phone.
"Attack On Titan," he shrugs. I raise an eyebrow at him and he stares back in disbelief. "You've never heard of Attack On Titan?"
"I go to a school where white girls are obsessed with Starbucks, what the hell did you expect?" I say, stifling a giggle. He returns with a smile.

I make my way home, kicking a bit of plastic through my street. It's a complete mess, and the majority of brown houses doesn't really make it look any more attractive. There's no option of a friend around here anyway; they're all from my school.
Not that my family is any better. I unlock the door and push myself through it, expecting my mother to be sprawled out on the sofa, asleep. She's not there. I don't bother to call through the house. Usually she would wake and do nothing. I untie my trainers, pat down my hair and leave my bag on the chair.
l sniff, breathing in the stench of stale beer and strong perfume, trying to mask the smell. It's not even a nice smelling perfume. I creep through the house and up the stairs, expecting to find her somewhere. She's not in her bedroom, she's not in the bathroom. The door to my bedroom is closed. I push down the handle and open it. On my floor is my mother, bottle of vodka in one hand, a blade from my razor in the other. Shit.
She seems fairly unconscious, so I unhook her fingers from the blade, put it back in the razor, and pick up my mother. She's quite a small woman, only about 5' 2" at the most. I carry her through to her room and pull the bottle from her grasp, take a gulp. The liquid burns as it slides down my throat. I cough, trying not to wake her. Now she's sprawled on her bed, I retreat from the room into the bathroom and pour the rest of the vodka down the sink.
The empty bottle is left on the side of the sink, but I don't stop there. Every single drop of alcohol in the house is down the sink. It's a risk, but my mum deserves it. She leaves her only son to his own devices, invites strange men into out home every night to have sex with her for money, always leaving before he comes home. I shudder at the thought.
While my mother is completely out of it, I creep downstairs and raid the fridge for anything that could surpass as dinner. Behind all of the empty bottles of alcohol is a packet of the plastic cheese and some slightly stale bread. With no other choice, I set to work making half a cheese sandwich, which could just about fill my minute appetite.
I hear the door creak as I fill my face with the crappy sandwich. He's back. I shut the fridge and scramble up the stairs, food in hand, hoping he doesn't see me. I hear the clicking of his 'work' shoes against the tiles and a stronger smell of booze as he searches the kitchen for traces of my existence.
"Dan?" His deep voice echoes through the house as I shut the door to my room and clean up any crumbs from the sandwich, straightening my mattress and laying on it, with a tatty book I stole from the library. I breath a sigh of relief; he hasn't seen me yet. He pushed the door to my room.
"Where the fuck is my cup of tea? You know you have to do one everyday before I get in."
"Sorry, Simon. I was late in because of the college session I was at today, remember? I'll do it now if you want, make you something to eat?" I say, a slight crack in my voice in fear.
I try to stand my ground, moving out of my room and into the kitchen without shaking and fill up the kettle, the sound of it boiling ringing in my ears. My heart pumps faster as I hear him approaching.
"Do it just right this time, or you know what you'll get," he hisses, and I clam up completely. He was in a good mood, but it's quickly changed within a matter of minutes. I start shaking again when he retreats to the lounge, spilling some of the hot water onto my bony fingers. He prefers it black, not like a true Brit at all, but sometimes I accidentally add milk because of my habits to sober up Mum. And in return, he dumps the full, piping hot mug over my head and forces me to make a new one.
I finish it up and take it into the lounge, gathering any courage I can to give it to him. I can't be afraid of a man only a matter of years older than me. Mum is one of those people after younger men, which makes up for a lot of her time in bed. She drinks a lot so she can forget what goes on in there.
He takes it out of my hands and ushers me away, typing into his phone some "business." Now I've got him out of the way, I can have a free hour or two.
so this is kind of a filler chapter... more phan to come, be patient! i hope you thoroughly enjoyed this chapter (who am i kidding ew) and i'll catch y'all in my other fics!

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