Chpter 4
You look up suddenly and see..................
You: JUSTIN BIEBER!! WHT HOW? AM I DREAMING ! dang did Cory slap me really hard to knock me out? (my thoughts- Note to elf get revenge back at Cory.)
JuStin Bieber- SHHH!!! Ashley shhh!*walks over covers Ashley's mouth and drags her to the bushes. Lets go of her mouth to talk.*
You: Why did you do that?
Justin Bieber- To keep you quiet. Nobody knows i'm here . They can't know.
You: Oh. Well youcould of told me instead of dragging me in here.* Poking the bushes*
Justinchuckles and smiles at you.
Justin Bieber- Srry . I didnt mean to. I'm not use to a fan seeing me and asking me questions and screaming where i went & wht happen to me? or Where did I disappear too?
You- *looks at justin with a small smile* Sryy. i'm just like a huge fan of yours.*mumbles saying literally cried when I heard tht youdisappeared*
Justin- *looks at you and smiles and chuckled a little* Wht was tht last part. i didnt hear you. Did you say that you cried over me when I disappeared.
You- *blushes mad hard and tried covering my blush from Justin seeing it.* No. I didnt say th.. tha. tha. that.
Justin leans closer to me and whispers in my ear saying* Don't worry your secret is kept with me. Plus I think its adorable that you cried for me and tht you trying to cover your blush. *Chuckles and leans away from your ear and looks down at your face.
You- *blushes extra hard and bends head down to hide it again so Justin can't see it at all.* Oo oh .
Justin- Yea *chukles* Plus your the first fan that i ever got close to with them freaking out.
*I look up since the blushing stopped and smiled. * Aww thanks Justin. But can you aleast tell me why you disappeared?
Justin looks at me with look tht means he really didnt wanna get into that so ignored it and asked me Why Cory slapped me?
I look at him and wih a sad smile and said Idk . he's usually not like that since he ever started dating that girl he went out with today.
Justin looks at me with an understanding llok and says" well don't let him get to you.*smiles*
I returned the smile back with a small smile * Thxs Justin.
Justin - Well i got to get going. srry. I'll come back tomorrow around noon. I 'll cya later Ashley be safe.* Walks up to and huggs you really tight and leans in and kissed you on da cheek and left running into the woodseind da house.
I watched him until i couldn't see him no more and started blushing mad hard again and then started dancing a little of the running man and cupid shuffle saying" Juuuustin Bieeber kissed me on the chheeek" yayyy!
While i was dancing all i hear is laughing and I turned around seeing Cory laughing . I stopped laughing and blushed a little embarresed and walked into the house ignoring Cory and went straight up stairs into my room and jumped on my bed and head to sleep. Until Dinner was ready.
Well wht did you guys think?
I know horrible right well srry i got mad homework right now cu of my stupid summer school teacher urghhh .
well i'll upload a new chpter soon when i get free time so i cya ya guys l8ter.
So plz
Message me for ideas:
i follow baCK :)