Ch 1. Survival of the pizza
My name is Jackie, I've lived in a house with five men for year and a half now. The five men are Torrie, Robert (rob or robby ) Jutt and the twins Jake and Wave (identacal). I'm a young ladie at seventeen years old. Today is Friday, and that means it's pizza night.
'' Guys! What do you want on your pizzas!'' I shouted, from the kitchen.
'' Cheese, baby!'' shouts back Torrie, he's the flirt.
'' Peppers and sausage'' screamed Wave, he's a jerk out of the group.
''Whatever'', answered jutt he only cares about grades.
''Pepperoni!'' said Robert in his loud calm voice.
''Ham!'' Jake screeched in my ear, he's the sneaky one.
'' ALRIGHT!'' I yelled back at them. I call the local pizza place, on the home phone. Becuase torrie decided to take my phone.
''Hello John's pizza, what would you like?'' said a young boy. ugh, how come John never tells his newbies what my phone number is and this phone number is Geese.
'' Hi, I'd like four large pizza's. One cheeese, ham, peppororni, and pepper sauge pizzas.'' I answered is question.
'' And were will these be delivered?'' the boy asked, how come no one told him this stuff?
''um..... can I please speak to Johnny instead.'' I know that's really mean ,but no one at this house has a clue what the address is. The boy gives the phone over to Johnny.
'' Sorry Jackie, he started just today.'' said John'' the pizzas will be there around an hour.''
'' thanks.'' I hung up the phone and started to clear the table off. Yeah, when you live with five boys things get thrown on the table. While I was clearing the table off I started wondering how I got stuck here.
Well when I was going to the perfect college I had to find a place. In my small buget I couldn't find anything, then some random person on the street told me about a cheap place and here I was. When I moved in Wave gave me crap, Torrie tryed to get me to sleep with him, Robert went on a walk and asked if I'd like to come, I said no, Jutt said he would help me with homework, and jake tried getting into my stuff.
While the pizza's are on there way I go to my room for some peace and quite. I went up the stairs, and then down the hallway someone put his hands over my eyes.
'' Guess who?'' someone asks. clearly it isn't Torrie because Torrie isn't that kind of flirt. He's the kind that opens with a hug or kiss, useally I just kick him in the gut. This one isn't b\right even if he's smart I know who it is. In a split second I answer his question.'' Jutt, let me go before you end up on the ground.''' I say
'' No,'' he said, his voiceis hard , almost forced.'' You see I've been waiting for the perfect moment.'' Jutt spins me around into the wall. His arms block my exscape. He starts leaning in, what little space I gave is gone. His lips touch mine, and nest thing I know he is still leaning in.
''WHAT THE FUCK! Are you a raper now Jutt!'' shouted Torrie. Then Torrie tackled Jutt to the ground and started beating the crap out of him.
Robert ran in probaly from hearing all the comotion. He got control over Torrie, while Jutt ran for the door.
'' Alright, torrie why did you yell raper and Jackie what happend?'' Robert said in a calm voice. Now he sound calm, but he's pretty ticked off becuse 1. he's dating me and 2. He hates it when people yell or say inapproite things.

House Full of Men
RomantizmIt all started when the mystryouse girl Sage had an asthma attack. Or was it when Torrie made the phone call, Maybe the story truely starts Wave and Jake first took up Chess, or even when Jackie's sister died, Or when Jutt ran away from his terribl...