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You and Erza were at your house, it was just you two so Erza was trying to be cool but she wasn't succeeding.  You had made hot chocolate since it was cold and you were just in the mood for hot chocolate.

"So, what're were going to do?" Erza asked, sitting up straight and sipping her hot chacolate.

"Well, I was thinking we could just watch a movie or something," I thought back to when this used to be a regular thing, but Erza has been busy lately.  "it's been so long this seems new, huh?"

"Yes it does," She agreed, looking sad.

"Are you okay?"

"It's just that we haven't done this because of me."

"Well, you have missions to do and all of that."

You both sat in silence, then Erza got up.  She set her mug down and then left.  YOu sat there for a moment, then you had a realization.  You had to go after her.  You followed her out of your house then into the back yard.  She stood there, not moving.

"Erza..." You said softly, slowoly approaching the scarlet haired girl.

"I love you (y/n)," she whispered.  You could see her hands trembling and you wanted to hold them.  You wanted to tell her you understood and that you loved her too.

"I..." You began, but you couldn't make out the other words.

She turned and you froze at what you saw.  She was crying.  Everything seemed to stop.  Then out of no where, you blurted out everything.

"Erza I love you too!  I love everything about you!" You blurted.  "You're laugh, your smile, your everything!" She looked at you with wide eyes.  "I love how your stubborn and how you would do anything for me or anyone of your friends!"

"(y/n)..." she took a step toward you, closing the distance between you both.  She took you in her arms and then kissed you.  It was slow and soft, you melted into it.

"I'm..." She took a deep breathe.  "I'm so happy..."

You wrapped your arms around her and placed a kiss on her cheek.  She smiled and hugged you.

You smiled and kissed her once more.

"Hey," Erza said.  "It's midnight, we should go in and get some sleep."  You nod and let yourself be led into your house and up to your room.

This is the best sleep over ever, you thought as Erza kissed you goodnight before you both fell asleep.

Midnight TearsWhere stories live. Discover now