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Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium 

Medusa was about to lunge at him when I yelled, "Hey!"

I advanced on her, which wasn't easy, holding a sword and a glass ball. If she charged, I'd have a hard time defend-ing myself. But she let me approach-twenty feet, ten feet.

I could see the reflection of her face now. Surely it wasn't really that ugly. The green swirls of the gazing ball must be distorting it, making it look worse.

"You wouldn't harm an old woman, Percy," she crooned. "I know you wouldn't."

I hesitated, fascinated by the face I saw reflected in the glass-the eyes that seemed to burn straight through the green tint, making my arms go weak.

From the cement grizzly, Grover moaned, "Percy, don't listen to her!"

Medusa cackled. "Too late."

She lunged at me with her talons. I slashed with my sword, and heard Medusa gasp in pain. I had missed and only managed to give her a shallow cut across the chest. I reared my arm back to go for the killing stroke.

"Perseus wait!" I don't know what possessed me to listen to her and stop my sword. Maybe it was her voice. It wasn't like before it was softer and held a tone of kindness.

"Don't listen Percy! She just wants to trick you since she can't have Poseidon!" Annabeth yelled.

"Be silent Daughter of Wisdom you know not of which you speak. Perseus I wish to speak with you for a moment." I was confused by her. She was completely different from before. Her mannerism had become much more refined. I nodded for her to speak but didn't lower my sword. "Thank you. Please tell me what you know of my legend."

"You and my father used to be lovers and when you met up with him in Athena's temple she turned you into a monster." It's what I had been told by Chiron during our lessons.

"I see then it's true," I looked at her confused about what she meant, "That isn't the truth. You've been told a lie."

"That's not possible! The Gods wouldn't lie to us." Annabeth said.

"You're naive if you think that's true. The Gods will lie and cheat if it suits them. I was a priestess to Athena and served in her temple when I became I was beautiful then, and I'll admit I was a tad vain. Poseidon  appeared in then temple to speak with me. He tried to woo me and win my affection, but I was devout to Athena. I was to stay a virgin. Finally after many denials he became enraged and knocked me to the floor. It was then that he..." Her voice broke not able to continue, "I don't know how long it lasted minutes or hours time escaped me. I was overcome by the pain and shame. When I heard Athena's voice i was overcome with hope, but it was soon extinguished. She was angry with me. Me! The victim not the damnable monster that had hurt me!" I could tell she was crying now. It took a few minutes for her to regain her composure.

"Why are you telling me this? Even if I somehow believe this just a minute ago you were trying to kill us how can I trust you?"

"I'm telling you this, because I want you to survive Perseus. I was not always cruel and malicious. The curse Athena put on me warped my soul. It made it as ugly as I look, but sometimes I am able to regain my former self. So please Perseus, believe me." I didn't say anything for a long time. Finally, I decided that I believed her. There was no way she could have faked the pain in her voice.

"Alright, I believe you." She gasped as if she didn't believe I would actually believe her.

"Truly?" I simply nodded, "Thank you Perseus. Please heed this warning, as you continue on your quest do not trust all the Gods say. Some will deceive you in an attempt to steal the bolt. The only Olympian I am sure of is Hestia, but she has little influence now," I nodded again not to surprised, "Now I'd like to give you a gift. Take my head it may help you in the future."

"You want me to kill you?" I was shocked. Why would she want me to kill her?

" existence is a blight on the world. In this disgusting form I've only caused grief and death. In truth I want nothing more than to Fade and be done with this world, but alas I am to well known to join my sisters in whatever afterlife they are in."

"Are...are you sure?"

"I am, and besides its only a matter of time until I become evil again..." I took a deep breath and nodded. I saw her lower her head and expose her neck. She made sure to look away as not to petrify me.

"I'm sorry," I slashed and with one clean stroke it was done. It didn't feel good. There was no excitement or  sense of accomplishment. This was nothing more than killing an innocent soul. I quickly wrapped her head for safety. I would make sure that she would be freed of this curse one way or another.

Throne room of the Gods after the battle of New York

"No," I said.The Council was silent. The gods frowned at each other like they must have misheard.

"No?" Zeus said. "You are . . . turning down our generous gift?"

There was a dangerous edge to his voice, like a thunderstorm about to erupt.

"I'm honored and everything," I said. "Don't get me wrong. It's just . . . I've got a lot of life left to live, and I have another wish I'd like more." Zeus looked at me for a moment before he motioned for me to speak. "I'd like Medusa's curse lifted." There was an explosion of protests, but my father silence it with by smashing his trident into the floor.

"Percy why would you want that woman freed? She had committed a sin against-"

"Dad...she told me the real story during my first quest."  There were murmurs of confusion as my father looked away not denying it. Zeus laughed at Poseidon before he waved his hand and looked at me.

"It is done."

Outside the Empire State building

I took a deep breath of fresh air glad to be away from the nerve wracking Gods. I heard my name called from behind me, and turned to see a woman not much older than myself. She was wearing a long white sundress and  had long golden hair. It took me a moment to realize it was Medusa.

"Thank you Perseus! I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am. You gave up immortality for are far to kind. "She hugged me as she spoke and I could feel her tears wet my shirt a small bit.

"It's not a big deal really," I laughed, "besides I wouldn't do well with immortality."

"Nonsense, I'll find a way to repay you. I'll stay with you from now on."

"You don't hav-," She cut off what I was gonna say by smashing her lips to mine. The kiss was hot and passionate. I melted against her lips and kisses her back. When we pulled apart she looked me straight in the eye and spoke.

"I will do everything in my power to repay you not because I feel obligated to, but because I love you. I've watched you as you've saved this world and I fell in love so deeply. So please will you allow me to try and win you heart." I could only nod. My life was going to be very interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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