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it doesn't matter where your from or color of skin in the end cause people will need other people's help so don't be so judgemental at people just accept them for who they are - Luca

once the people you have known a long time they will always be family to you no matter what and they will always treat you like that even when that sad day comes when we have to part ways - Luca

run as fast as you can and don't look back cause the past will haunt you if you don't move forward with your life -Luca

when you have bad memories you can't get rid of tell everyone who cares for you and they will help you get it over with - Luca

some say your ugly while others say your pretty you just don't have to care what they say cause you are the opposite what they say you are so it doesn't matter at all -Luca

if people don't see the real you if they judge you then they are idiots for not seeing the real you - Luca

the friends that you have known forever will become family to you and will do anything they can do to make their friends happy - Luca

people fight and die for their loved ones that they care for the most that is what counts now a days its rare so don't take it for granted when it happens to you - Luca

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