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the wisest and most hurting always write quotes or something they can to keep their minds off the bad stuff that happened or is happening in their life - Luca

things that you can't get out of your head are only reminding you of good things or bad things that happened in your past - Luca

people stop caring once they had enough of uncaring in their life and they become rebellious - Luca

good friends count cause they don't leave you alone when your sad they comfort you and care when something bad happens to you those are real friends right there - Luca

you might feel insecure sometimes but you are just perfect the way you are so don't change okay - Luca

you just don't love someone you just met cause love is unexpected so you won't know till you find out - Luca

People become friends with people that have lived the same way as them and everything that has happened to them in life that is why exdortanary people become friends with other - Luca

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