Mixed Bloods

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**Nate's POV**

I didn't want to think about Ash. I had to forget about him. Right now the most important thing is to protect my pack. I walked quickly to the library and pulled out all the books and began looking through them one by one. When I got to vol. 4 a page fell out. I opened looked at it and noticed it was my father's handwriting. He must have written this before he died.

~Do not trust Andrew he's planning something. I made sure to leave this here because I knew you'd come looking for answers Nathan. Now everything you need to know will be written down here, I'm sure I won't make it to when you become Alpha so I wrote down what was passed down to me. Pay attention. Remember everything. Now page 92 on volume 8 is very important. This page tells the secret to eternal life without becoming a part of the undead. What I mean by this is that there is a type of mixed blood D.V.H.C they are monsters. There is no other word all they know is how to kill. They don't live for more than three days of course but this page gives the details to how they will survive forever. These mixed bloods are created by sacrifice. A lot will be killed, two supernatural beings are needed for this, a demon, a vampire, a human, and a werewolf. Thereafter a creature comes to be, a witch is needed to perform the incantation and this is where the human comes in, the human is made to drink the blood of the three supernatural being and the human's soul is devoured by the demon who takes control and mixes itself with the two others. This is called a forbidden act. Our pack has protected everyone of this danger but I fear Andrew is thinking of doing this. I have hidden page 92 but I know he will find it no matter who has to die. On page 92 there is detailed explanation of how the king and queen of vampires need to die so the heir can take their place. This can only be done with the heir born under the blood moon. They have sent this heir somewhere safe so now it is your turn to protect him at all costs otherwise we are all doomed. Andrew will try everything to make you hate this child. Do not fall for his trap I ask this of you. Mixed bloods must not drink his blood. they're all monsters, no longer feeling, they no longer hurt, they're Modevers. The name of the child was entrusted to me, his name is Ashton Reds.

When I finish reading I think back to how Ash was saying all that. He couldn't have been in control could he? It must have been Andrew he must be behind all this. I have to find Ashton before it's too late.

I quickly go upstairs and gather everyone up. I call the vampire council currently running the vampires and explain the situation. At hearing Ashton is in danger they say they'll be here and I know they will. They all meet meet me at the meeting hall. I pull James to the side "hey did you know about your dad?" I ask, he looks at me clearly confused.

"What's wrong Nate?" His tone was that of a worried friend. I fully trusted him sure but then again I trusted Andrew as well.

"Your dad was the one who killed my father. He created those monsters and now wants to kill Ash my mate" I answered.

He glared past me "what the hell is wrong with him?" He muttered, his gaze softened and he bowed his head "he may be my father but from today onward I see him as a traitor to wolf kind. You are the Alpha and I will follow your lead" he kept his gaze down.

"Lift your head" I ordered, he looked up and smiled. James and Cody st and up with me in front of everyone.

"Quiet" I ordered, everyone went silent, including the vampires "Andrew, former Beta as of now is the enemy we are looking for. He created monsters that must be stopped, my father knew of this and died trying to protect our kind just like our brave warriors who died that day" everyone gasped. "Jason will now be taking the place of Beta" Jason stepped forward, and nodded.

"What will we do?" Someone shouted.

"We will remain calm and keep protecting our territory. There will be 50 who stay behind at the borders in the South, North, West, and East. The remaining 10 will be reserve incase they need back-up. The rest will help me find our Luna, Ashton" people gasped and others muttered "he is important to us, if he is killed those monsters will be unstoppable" they all began to howl. With this I knew we were ready for war. Just wait Ash, I will save you just hang on.

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