Chapter 2

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Alicia's PoV

I didn't understand it. Isabella was acting weird at her party. I know she always acts weird, not as weird as me, but she was acting really weird. Like she was disappointed or something.

I can understand why she would be a little disappointed. Her brother acted like a total dick (pardon my language). He even told her she was being bitchy. According to her that was before the party started.

When I had gotten there, he was acting weird towards me. He asked me if I liked him or something. He even pulled me into a closet and tried to kiss me. I was just thinking, Just because there's a song called my Best Friend's Brother doesn't mean I ike you. I told him that I didn't like him and kneed him in the balls. Was that the wrong response? Eh, I don't care. He deserved it.

When I got home, guess what my celebration was. A big ol' frigging lecture on how I need to do this and that in London and not go to One Direction's apartment complex. My family didn't throw me a party, didn't buy me any sort of celebratory food, they didn't even say Have fun. And seeings as my mom is Italian, the fact I didn't even get food was a big shocker.

Sono così finito con la mia famiglia


That means I am so done with my family.

There was a good part about the lecture. Since my mom grew up in Italy, it was hard to understand her at some points because she would talk so fast and her accent was hard to understand.It was really funny. Then she started speaking Italian because she was aggravated. At one point I did understand her.

"E giuro su Dio se ho alcuna chiamata dicendo sei stato arrestato ti ucciderò." Translated into:

"And I swear to God if I have any call saying you were arrested will kill you."

My mom wasn't to keen on the idea of me getting arrested. I don't understand why she thought I was going to get arrested. I wasn't that bad. Sure I had a bit of a rebellious streak. But every kid does. And it's not like its really bad. I snuck out to go down the street and stay the night with Isabella occasionally. That's why I'm glad to be getting out of this house. That way I can do what I want.

My cousin Abigail is letting us live in her apartment while she's in Italy for three years. By that time, Bell and I will already be in college.

"Alicia, Isabella e Abigail sono qui! Prendi le valigie e venire qui!" My mother shouted. Basically I need to get down there cause Bell is here and we needed to get to the airport. My parents had been speaking Italian for a whole week. Apparently I needed to embrace my heritage.

"Venendo mamma! Sarò lì in un attimo!"

I didn't see why I couldn't simply tell her that I'll be there in a moment in English. I mean, I embrace my heritage all the time. My dad is half Irish, half French so I learned how to speak Irish and French. My mom is half Itailian and half American so I learned how to speak Italian. I mean, if I can speak all four languages then I think I'm decent when it comes to embracing my heritage. I mean, since we live in New York city, I go to the Cultural Fair every year. And it last for seven days. One day I participate in playing Irish Folk music, five days I participate in Tarantella, and then one day I learn participate in Renaissance revivals. I embrace all of my heritages.

I quickly finished packing my clothes into my suitcase (I shipped most of mine over there earlier in the week) and practically ran down the stairs. As soon as I saw Abigail, I smiled. She had changed a lot. Of course, what do you expect after two years?

"Alicia!" She exclaimed. I smiled and went over to her, dragging my suitcase with me. I hugged her. While she was hugging back, I heard her tell my parents something. "Non preoccuparti zia Mia e lo zio Samuel, mi prenderò cura di loro." She obviously means that she'll look after us on the plane.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2013 ⏰

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