1- Lunch

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"Levi! Leviiii!!" I shout while running down the crowded hallway, getting nasty looks from the people I've shoved out of my way. My pace never slowed, but I might have run a little faster out of excitement... Heh... Oh well, I'm excited. Can you blame me? Nope! Every day during break period, Levi and I eat our lunches together. He normally doesn't eat much, so I've taken it upon myself to bring extra of my own food and share it with him. He seems to like my cooking most of the time, but some days he won't even look at food. He'll say that he's not feeling well, but I worry for him. I mean, he's my best friend, so I've gotta look out for him. "Levi!" My feet skid to halt, attempting to stop myself before I run into a person and send us both falling to the floor. Slowly, I open my eyes and smile at the person I'm on top of. "Hey there Levi!" I ruffle his black hair before I stand up and extend my hand to help him up.

"You're a lot heavier with that gigantic bag on your back." He takes my hand and swiftly stands up. "Oi, look at what you did!" He begins to frantically dust himself off. The tan slacks he's wearing show no signs of dirt, but his white shirt was now slightly speckled with dust. "Tch, that floor needs to be cleaned..." Once he was satisfied with his state of cleanliness, we began walking to our table in the lunch hall.

"What's up?" I ask cheerfully, not able to contain my excitement for when he tastes what I brought him.

"Nothing, you just ran me over but that's fairly normal." He shrugs, keeping the same glaring face even after he made me burst out laughing from his response. "How about you?"

"I've got a surprise for you!" I jump with excitement as we reach our small table. I quickly set my backpack down and pull out my lunch, proudly showing the pastry that I slaved over last night. "I made sweet buns!" I'm not at all phased when he doesn't show any emotion on his face. That's normal for Levi, just the same glare with the eye roll or eyebrow raise, but if you're lucky you can squeeze a smile out of him.

"I'm guessing that you want me to try it, don't you?" He sits down in his chair across from me, running a hand through his hair.

"Yes please!" I nod my head enthusiastically. "Wait..." I pause, seeing that he once again didn't bring his own lunch and isn't planning to buy anything to eat. "You're not going to eat again, are you?" My excitement leaves and I frown at Levi, who just shrugs again.

"I'm not hungry." He simply states.

"You're never hungry! You're starving yourself! You have to eat eventually!" I look down at my own food, and push it across the table to him.

"Oi, what are you doing?"

I ignore him, knowing that he's going to refuse most likely. "I understand when you don't feel well that you don't eat, but I hate seeing you go for days at a time without eating lunch. You probably eat breakfast and dinner, but it's not good to skip meals. I want you to eat at least half of my sandwich and half of the sweet bun." I look up to see him in complete shock, eyes wide and mouth slightly open.

"Madison, I can't eat your lunch. Like you said, it's not good to skip a meal." He pushes the food back to me, but I quickly replace it in front of him.

"I know what I said, and I'm not going to skip a meal. You're eating half, and I'm going to eat half." He opens his mouth to protest, but I raise my hand to silence him. "I don't want to argue." I grab one half of my sandwich and begin to eat, hoping that he'll do the same. To my surprise, he does and begins to eat, which makes me smile. "So, have you heard about the binge ghoul? It seems that their attacks have become more frequent... I'm just glad she's staying away from our district." I take a bite of the sandwich, looking out the window to all the people passing by.

"You've been really interested in ghouls lately."

"Yeah..." I turn back to face him, to see the surprise that he's eaten all of his half of the sandwich. "They're quite fascinating. The fact that they blend in so well is kinda scary, but I know that not all of them are bad. I just wish they didn't have to eat people in order to live." A sigh escapes from my lips as I grab my water bottle and take a sip. "Anyways, enough from me, how's your day been?"

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