4- Reunion

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~two years later~

"Finally!" I sigh as I throw myself on to the couch. "We're done. Not one cardboard box left."

The long, strenuous day of moving things from our old apartments, to our new one was finally at a close. The reason for our move? Well, the thirteenth ward was too dangerous for my liking, so he proposed that we move to the twentieth ward. He almost forced me to move with him for "my own safety", but I agreed before force was necessary, and now we're here. Happily engaged and out of college at last.

"Get your lazy butt up. We've gotta clean now." Levi throws one of the cleaning rags at my face, and I make no move to do anything about it. This thing smells like lemons... And chemicals... "Come on lazy." I shake my head, mumbling a 'no' in reply. "Fine, then you have to make me coffee." I can hear him walking over to me, then he removes the rag from my face, kissing my forehead before walking away to go be the little clean freak he is.

"Deal." I push myself up off of the all too comfortable couch, taking the easier job offered by Levi. "Besides, whenever I clean something, you end up having to clean it again to get it up to your standards." A quiet laugh escapes me as I search for where we put the coffee beans.

"What can I say? I can't stand filth." He shrugs while wiping down a window that looks to be already sparkling to me, but through his eyes, it's covered in microscopic particles of dirt and dust.

After finally finding the coffee grounds, in what was probably the weirdest place ever- I mean, who puts coffee beans in the same place as potato chips?... Oh... That's right... I put away all the food stuff... Heh...- I begin the slow process of making coffee just how he specifically taught me to. Man, after all of the heavy lifting I did today, painstakingly slow coffee making is at the bottom of my list of things I want to do right now. I mean, my favorite part about moving is decorating. As my thoughts begin to wander through all the things I've seen and done today, I remember hanging up the few pictures that Levi brought with him. A few of us together and the one with him, the blonde, and the kinda red head-ish girl. I had finally gotten him to talk about the people in the picture, and I found out that they were his childhood friends. Both were ghouls, Isabel (the girl) and Farlan (the boy). I had asked him if I could meet them, but Levi never answered me. He would just walk out of the room, claiming that he was going to get more boxes. "Levi?" I finally ask after a few minutes of deep thoughts for myself.


"Where are Isabel and Farlan?" My gaze focuses on my circular movement of pouring the boiling hot water (which has been on the stove since we got here, because Levi thought... I don't know what Levi thought...) on to the coffee grounds.



"America." He finally says, making my jaw drop open.

"No way!" I quickly jerk my head to look over at him, which causes me to loose focus on my coffee making, and thus ends up in the scalding hot water spilling on the counter, floor, and some on myself. "That's so cool! I had a friend go to America!" My best friend actually... even thought there's an age gap between us... We clicked immediately. Sadly, we haven't spoken in years and I don't know if she's ever coming back to Tokyo. If she does come back, the thought to look for me in the twentieth ward will never cross her mind. I just wish our paths would cross again. Even seeing her once again would be enough, but knowing her, if we met again... She'd probably go crazy on Levi and end up trying to fight him.

"Yeah... I guess you could say it's cool... The people there don't really know about ghouls, and they don't have to worry so much about doves..." He turns away from the window and faces me from across the room. "You got boiling hot water all over yourself... and the floor..." The slight hint of frustration and concern in his voice is evident, as I had just ruined his "perfect" cleaning job that he had previously finished and probably burned myself.

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