Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Pulchritudinous. I let the word slowly roll off my tongue as I dissected it. Puhl-kri-tyood-n-uhs. It described this place perfectly.

The place was literally massive.

I mean, sure, I had seen pictures of it online but seeing it in person was just something else entirely.

The course seemed to go on as far as and even beyond what my eyes could see. Groves of trees were planted around the asperous golf course, making it seem as though mini forests were meticulously planted sparingly all over. My field of vision was bombarded with various hues of green splattered all around the course and splotches of yellow, red, purple and blue flowers bordering the fences. I couldn't stop my eyes from darting place to place and taking everything in all at once. 

We slowed down to a snails gait as we dawdled down the cemented path.My eyes lingered as we drove.

Snap out of it!

I had to repeat this multiple times, for it to actually come into effect. Despite how nice the place was, I had places to be and things to do. 

Reeling in my self-control, I had nudged moms shoulders hoping for her to get a move on it. We were clearly running late and gawking about wasn't going to help my situation. "Mom, we should get going. I know it's pretty and all but I'd like to get there before winter!"

Startled by my sudden voice, the car lurched to the side of the road –almost hitting the rails barricading the road from the ditch down below. Panicking from the sudden movement, I grabbed onto the door frame for dear life. Mom jerked the car back onto the right side of the road just in time. 

"Mom!" I bellowed.

When all danger seemed to have been evaded, I couldn't bring myself to move a single muscle. My knuckles had practically turned white from the grip it had on the side of the door handle. I sucked in a sharp breathe and whipped my head to the left of me, giving a look of annoyance at my mothers culpable eyes. Her expression was tainted with confusion and perplexity as she muttered a 'sorry' under her breath. 

"Sometime I wonder how you even passed your drivers test mom; this must be what, the fourth time you've almost killed us?" I muttered under my breath, ripping the ear buds out of my ears.

As per usual, she ignored me and muttered on about how she got distracted and all the whoha's associated with it. "Ah, just look at this place!" she finally breathed, flabbergasted.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything. It was clear as daylight that my mother was a delusional woman; I mean, who else would just brush off momentary death so casually? We had almost derailed ourselves from the road into god knows how deep of a ditch, and she was commentating on the appeal of the course?

"Mom, this is clearly not the time to be praising-" As if she knew I was going to say something to call her out, she cut me off with a wave of her hand and curled her lips outwards to make a 'shhhh' sound.


"No buts. Everything's fine, see? Not even a scratch on the car this time."

I rolled my eyes. This time. For all I knew, we could have been falling to our deaths from the tip of Angel falls, and she would be busy commentating on how pretty and blue the water was. But clearly that didn't worry her a bit.

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