Chapter III: Welcome to Camp Half-blood

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Chapter III

Welcome to camp Half-blood

It was about six in the evening and we walked about an hour before we arrived at an abandoned workshop in the middle of the forest. Inside was empty except for the six tents surrounding a bonfire.

 As we got closer, we saw cute girls some about our age. They were huntresses, like Lanaya(It was actually Lanaya’s team.).

Lanaya introduced us to rest of her team. There were about six of them including her. There was Lanie, Jessica, Myrna, Kristie, Sachie, and Benny’s crush; Pamie.

Pamie was about our age. Benny liked her because she likes the way Pamie smile. I admit, I find her cute but, there’s nothing more to it. Seriously…

After our introduction, we ate.

While eating, Lanaya said to us;

“Here’s the deal Carter and friends,” (what did she say? That sounds like Barney and friends if you ask me.) “we’re here because Mr. D, Camp Half-blood’s director, ordered us, against our will, to fetch you here because he said, time’s running out” (she didn’t explain the details)”and that summer solstice is just around the corner. He said something about parties though. But, we came here as soon as possible because he paid us with a good price.” She said.

“Wait, are you saying, you’re here too fetch because you were paid?Not because you sensed that we were in trouble?”  Asked Carmen.

“Umm… Technically, Yeah.” Lanaya Replied. “We are kind of short sometimes, you know?”

“Why? Don’t you have any parents?” I asked.

“Well, No. Some of us abandoned our home. Some, their parents were killed by monsters, etc. There’s a lot of reasons that we became huntresses.” Lanaya replied.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” I apologized.

“No, it’s ok, we’re happy now. I mean having immortality and all, you know.”

“What’s that? Did you say immortality?” I asked.

“Wait. Don’t tell me you guys are immortals?” Carmen asked.

“Well, yeah, but, we need to follow our mistress’ rules, cause if we break them we lose immortality and all of our powers as huntresses.” Lanaya explained.

“What kind of rules are they?” I asked.

While Carmen and I are busy asking questions to Lanaya, Benny is also busy checking out Pamie.

“Umm… Can I get your number?” Benny asked Pamie.”

Before Pamie could answer, Lanaya broke in.

“Absolutely not.” Lanaya said. “First of all, we huntresses should avoid falling in love or just be infatuated with boys. That’s one of the rules of our mistress. Secondly, we don’t have cellphones. Sorry kid.” She said to Benny.

“You hear that buddy? Busted…” I said to Benny while laughing.

“Wait, you said you have no cellphones, how did you text me then?” Carmen asked.

“Oh, that. I just borrowed a phone from a guy on our way here.” Lanaya replied.

“Oh I see.”

After eating, we went to bed.

Again, I had a dream.

This time, I was standing in a vast desert. So vast, I can’t see a thing except for sands.


A giant scorpion burst out from the sand and went tumbling upon landing. Behind it, was a large bird or a tiger? I don’t know. At the back of the tiger-bird, I saw two persons, a girl and a boy. I can hear them chanting in a language that I can’t understand. Then I gold symbol appeared on the head of the scorpion then,


The scorpion was gone. It exploded into millions of pieces.

After that, I woke up. It’s already about 5 in the morning and the huntresses were already awake.

“Get up now Nathan; it’s time for us to go.” Lanaya said to me.

“Hey guys, wake up. We’ll go now.” I said to Carmen and Benny while shaking them.

After a while of shaking, they woke up.

“Huh? What time is it already?” Benny asked.

“It’s about five.” I replied.

“Oh… good night then.” And Benny went back to sleep.


Lanaya kicked Benny in his butt.

“OWWW!!!!!” Benny shouted in pain.

“Get up!!! Or you will be left here. Eaten by monsters!” Lanaya exclaimed.

Benny hurriedly got up (Clearly don’t want to be eaten).

I helped him up and then we packed our things.

“Lanaya, where exactly are we going???” I asked.

“Silly kid, Camp Half-blood of course. Where else???” Lanaya replied.

After that we’re on our way. The group was silent until we arrived on an abandoned farm.

“Camp Half-Blood is beyond those woods.” Lanaya said.

“What does the camp look like?” I asked.

“Well camp was amazing, but we don’t stay there.” She replied.

“Why” Carmen asked.

“Because of our mission. We huntresses were tasked to hut and kill every monster on this planet.”

“Oh. Ok.” Carmen said satisfyingly.

After our little pep talk, we arrived at the entrance of the camp.


A strong and loud wind blew and tossed Lanaya away.

“OH MY GODS!!! I’M SORRY ABOUT THAT!!!” said a voice from afar.

When he got closer, I was stunned by the giant bazooka that he was carrying, with only just one hand.

“What is that you’re carrying?

“Oh, this??? This is just my invention. It’s a bazooka that blows wind. Isn’t it cool? The kid said.

“Oh right. Guys, this is Steven Stevens.” Pamie introduced Steven to us.

“Nice to meet you, Steven. I’m Nathan, This is Bennie, and here’s Carmen.” I said.

“Nice to meet you too.” Steven replied.

Out of nowhere, a familiar and a very-very-very angry voice trembled.


“Ooops. Gotta go guys. See you later.” Steven hurriedly said. Then he left.

“Where’s that stupid Steven ran off to?” Lanaya asked while covered on dried leaves.

“Umm. She passed through those trees and vanished.” Carmen said in reply. “Why is that???” She asked.

“There’s a portal” Lanaya replied

“A portal to what?” Bennie asked.

Come, follow me guys.” Pamie said while smirking to Bennie.

We followed her and as we walk through the forest, the view changed. We saw a vast valley stretching over the beach on the horizon. We saw, training grounds, arenas, and different kinds of training facilities stuffs. We even saw hotels (or so I thought).

“Well guys…” Lanaya gladly said. “Welcome to camp Half-Blood.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2013 ⏰

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