What A Fine Mess

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**Kris's P.O.V.**

"What the fuck is that Andre?!", I quietly exclaim as i begin to panic. I look over at Andre who looks completely shaken as he stares wide eyed at Svetlana. "Since when do her eyes turn black?!!" I look over at Zander and Zephyr. Any other time i would have laughed at the sight of them. Zephyr looked like he was going to piss himself and Zander was clearly warring with his fight or flight instincts, both of them half crouched. On the other side of Loki i hear Andre mutter something to himself and i look over at him. "Do you feel that Kristoff? Please tell me you feel that?!"

"I sure as hell feel something." I said.

"Me too.", whispered the twins simultaneously as their purple eyes dart about on high alert. "What do we do, Kristoff?", Zephyr asked urgently. Suddenly they all turned to me expectantly. I looked at them wide eyed and shrugged my shoulders. "How in the hell am i supposed to know?! This is the first time I've ever seen that happen!" Even though i said this they all seemed to relax a little. Zander frowned and ran his hand through his hair, removing it from his face before saying,"Does anyone else feel like jumping out of their skin and running far away from here." We all nod in unison. That pretty much sums it up. Zander sat down, pulling Zephyr down with him. "You guys can go. You don't have to be here.", Andre said quietly. Zephyr looked absolutely offended."I may be scared shitless but if she goes on some rampage we all die together.", he said as he patted Zander on the back.

"I don't feel any better about that..", Andre said as cleared his hair from his eyes. I look up at Lana and see her lips moving. "Can you hear her Andre?"

We all lean forward, Zephyr accidentally nudging her. She began to chant louder. Something about it made my entire being cringe and i quickly backed away from her, my back hitting the trunk of the tree. Everyone else followed suit, our collective breathing fast and heavy. "Oh God i want to shift. What are we gonna do? What the fuck is that?!"

I look over at Andre whose looking down at his arm in horror. I look down at mine and realize that Loki's hand was twitching and getting hotter by the second. "Run Andre. Hurry and move away from her before she hurts you severely.", i yell.

"I'm not moving. I can't move. It'll hurt her and not to mention the fact that i couldn't if i wanted to. Have tried to loosen her grip?" I frown and look down at my arm as i gently try to tug away from her. No such luck... I begin to panic as i try to peel her hot fingers from my arm to no avail. My inner wolf goes into an all out panic and i begin to feel like a trapped dog. Despite my will to fight it, i try my hardest to pull away from her, growls bubbling up from my chest much to my horror. I've have never been so desperate to get away from anything in my life. Nothing else mattered...

"Ow! Dammit! Zephyr! Zander! Do something!", i heard Andre yell. I looked up to find their hands holding me down, causing me to roar at them. Their efforts to calm me fail as my inner wolf almost completely takes over.

Just as i was about to shift and break every bone in Loki's arm i felt something hard hit my head. I looked up in hazy confusion to see Zephyr with a shameful look on his face and a big branch in his hand. "Sorry buddy.." Before everything went black i whispered thank you. Then....


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