Abusive kidnap

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I gasped for air as I pulled against the hands locked around my throat, I ripped and tugged till I had a bit of room between the hands and my neck,"d-d-dusk s-st-stop l-let go" I cried as the hands started squeezing tighter round my throat, the tears just wont stop, he slipped a blade out from his sleeve and pressed it to my throat,"d-d-dusk n-n-nooo!!!!" that's when someone grabbed me and held me in there arms as dusk was restrained I thought finally I would be free from him no more abuse, that's when I fell to the floor I opened my eyes to see dusk's hair covering his face and the shinigami team that came to rescue me was lifelessly lying on the floor, dusk approached me slowly with his hand out in front of me when I looked up he grabbed my throat and threw me in the room he had sealed me in for who knows long. I sat on the floor for hours,"my face against the window pane a tear for every drop of rain I am so lonely and so sad your the reason Im feeling bad I am so lonely and so sad living in a dream I never had" I sat there and cried I wanted to go home but no one has been able to help me."Krissy............Come here" dusk's voice called me I gulped and walked over to him,"y-y-yes"...... He grabbed my arm and pulled me along and stood at the entrance that was locked up tight so I couldn't leave ,"I'll be right back" he put his hand on my chin and held my head up so I could see his face,"you best be in this house when I return caprendo" I nodded and ripped my head away in tears,"LEAVE ME ALONE" I ran back into my room and stayed there until he left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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