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As I was leaving the school, Shane came up to me.
"Hey Carol!" he joyfully shouted.
I could see the tiny hairs growing above his lip. He needs to shave his mini mustache.
"Hey, Shane," I replied, secretly freaking out.
"What's up?"
"Just walking to my bus...as you can see," I told him.
He started laughing, "oops."
"So anyways, I was wondering... do you—"
Great. JUST GREAT! Jenna came over and started insulting me again.
"Ew, girl, I think you should get rid of those dead ends soon!"
I just got a hair cut this weekend.
"Your pores look huge, too. Maybe try some makeup sometime!"
I'm already wearing makeup.
"Oh... and... THOSE SHOES. Don't even get me started on those!"
But I'm wearing converse, and she has the same ones!
"Alright, Jenna. That's enough," Shane told her.
"No, actually there's a lot of other beauty tips I could give her; maybe some academic tips, too..." she said, way too confidently.
My grades are all A's though.
Jenna just always has to be better than me. I've cried myself to sleep because of her. But I would never tell anyone, not even Bailey. Bailey would probably just tell Jenna that to get her to stop making fun of me, which would only make it one hundred times worse.
"Go away," Shane and I said in sync.
Then, we started bursting into laughter as Jenna gave us a dirty look. And by dirty, I mean a perverted look.
She started moving her drawn-on eyebrows up and down. Her tongue came out of her mouth and she started shaking her butt like crazy, which did not look good in her pink super mini skirt.
"What. The. Hell," I said, pretty shocked that this was happening.
"And she has the nerve to make fun of you?" Shane asked.
Her boyfriend Joseph came up to her and started doing the same sort of thing, but thankfully he wasn't wearing a mini skirt!
"This is messed up, let's leave."
"Yeah," I replied, giggling.
"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow"
"Yeah, see you tomorrow Shane," I said with a slight smile.

As I stepped on my bus, Bailey waved me over to her.
"Car, I'm so so sorry. I just—"
"Don't worry Bailey, it's cool!" I told her.
"Really?" she asked me, a confused look on her face.
"Yeah. I was going to tell you that earlier, but I kind of didn't want a detention from Mr.Shields."
"Oh yeah, he's a total dip!"
We both laughed. I know it wasn't that long without Bailey, but I actually missed her. We've been friends forever, literally since we were two years old, and now we're in tenth grade. I don't know what I would do without her!
So as I just said, I'm in tenth grade. This is pretty embarrassing, but I'm going to tell you anyways: I've never had a...boyfriend.
A lot of people think that Marcus Halfley dated in eighth grade, but we didn't. I'm not that low...
Right when I got home, I ran into my room and jumped on my bed. This has been a great day! Except for Jenna insulting me, fighting with Bailey, and some other unimportant things.
But I'm pretty sure SHANE DAWSON almost asked me out! He probably would have if it wasn't for that witch.
I don't know what she has against me, but it's annoying as heck.

I check my phone to see seven messages.
One is from Bailey and the other six are from Anthony. That kid is SO annoying! Everyone tells me he's deeply in love with me, but then he's really mean to me and calls me gross. I don't know what to think, and I don't really care. It's just pretty annoying. He has extremely greasy hair all of the time, really dirty fingernails (probably toenails too), and he always wears the same sweatshirt. I try to be nice to people, but this kid just annoys the crap out of me. No, not just me, EVERYONE.

Text message convo:
Anthony: hey girl
Anthony: Carol!!
Anthony: Guess what!
Anthony: Okay seriously, what's up with you ignoring me so much?!
Anthony: Brush!
Anthony: Oops,I meant bruh
Me: Geez dude. I was just getting off the bus.
Anthony: Oh ok bye

That's how much of a pest he can be. I need him like I need a really deep hole in my head with onions in it. Weird expression, I know, but it's true.
I got another text. It was from a number I didn't recognize...

Who do you think is texting Carol??
And yes, I finally made a longer chapter. It probably sucks though because it's 6 in the morning.
Hopefully more people read this story now haha

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