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I sat in a massive hall, the atmosphere was incredible and I looked over my right shoulder to see my family sitting, smiling, laughing and waving. Aspen could barely sit still on Isaac's lap and Delsin was standing on his chair,  conveniently Damien was telling him off. Our eyes meet and he quickly sat down on his seat and smiled at me.

"Spencer Adams" My name was called out and I stood up. Walking up to the stage I was presented with my Certificate of Completion, I had finished my Bachelor's degree in Adoption social work. Four years of learning and my hard work had finally paid off, I was filled with so much joy it was amazing. I shook many of my professors hands and my head leader hugged me. "Well done Spencer you deserve this." he whispered into my ear.

I walked off and stood next a girl called Winnie, who was a young mum like I was. She smiled at me, we had grown close as friends over the four years, but Tris would always be my best friend in the end. Although she wasn't here to see me graduate, which disappointed me, I knew she would be enjoying her honeymoon with Aiden, which was an elopement* that nearly went horribly wrong, but I wished them all the best, they deserved each other. They were such an amazing couple and he treated her like she was a queen.

I looked out into the crowd and saw Isaac, Damien, Anna, Charlie, Ebony, Audrey and the twins clapping and cheering for me. The years had changed everyone, for the better mostly, Charlie actually stepped up and became a dad. Anna moved in permanently after Damien discovered that all he wanted was her after the ten odd years she had worked for the Adams.  Ebony grew up, she was a thirteen year old girl, my little sister wasn't little anymore. Audrey fell pregnant and got married to Charlie. My husband was a twenty four year old business manager just like his own father, and I Spencer McKenzie Adams was a twenty three year old mother with six year old twins. I achieved my goals and became a Adoption social worker. I wanted to make sure that all the kids in this world were living with families that wanted and loved them.

Isaac and I brought a property out in the middle of the country side, we both worked from home and most of the time we spent our days outside listening to sounds the world produced. It was quiet and it was what I had wanted my entire life. Freedom to do what I wanted when I wanted. The house wasn't massive but it suited our family just fine. We were fortunate that we had money but we never wanted the kids to grow up expecting everything, we wanted them to grow up understanding the consequences of every action and that not everything is handed to you on a silver platter. Isaac and I spent countless hours showing them the simple things in life. We adopted a dog called Maisie who had three legs but was just as able as any other four legged animal. She protected the twins at every cost and most nights spent time sleeping in each of their rooms.

Aspen, she was my tough girl. She grew up outside, in the mud and dust. Isaac taught her how to ride a dirt bike and I shit my pants every time she would get on it. She never cried though, she showed emotion but she never cried and when she did it was only because she wasn't allowed outside. Delsin was her best friend though and you would have never thought that they were related. Her hair had turned a dusty light brown just like her fathers, but she looked exactly like me. Our faces were a spitting image and she always smiled, all the time.

Delsin on the other hand had the hair of me and the everything else of his father. He was an emotional child and he had the heart of an angel. He lived outside very much like his sister and spent days on end making her daisy chains that went on forever. The way he would make her laugh melted my heart over and over. He was his father and anyone that came into his life could see that. His imagination was very vivid and he would create stories about happy families and happy people. Every where he went he brought happiness into everyones life.                

Isaac didn't change though he was still the same guy I fell in love with years ago. He still meant everything to me and he loved the twins and I to death. He would walk up to the property gate with Maisie and just wait for them to be dropped off after school. He spent every minute possible with them and did all that he could for them. During the day he would spend time working on companies or with me, loving me, protecting me, teaching me and worshipping the woman I had grown into. He became strong and brave and excelled in everything he did. More importantly he became a wonderful husband and father and never would he trade his job as both for anything less in the world.

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