Great British Beak Off

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"Dan where is my cereal?" Said Phil confused as to where he had placed his rice crispies.  "I hid them." Replied Dan slightly worried about Phil's reaction. "WHAT WHY!" "Because you have a cereal problem! I am doing this for you!" "Ergh fine!" Said Phil giving into Dan.

Phil walked into the living room, Dan was slumped into his sofa crease in the famous browsing position with Great British Bake off playing on the T.V. Phil sat next to Dan and rested his head on his shoulder. Dan leaned his head on Phil's and continued scrolling through Tumblr.  "Do you want to record today?" Said Dan trying not to move. "No, i cant pretend not to love you today and i cant be bothered to edit all the times you decide to kiss me out of the video." "I cant help it." Dan said smiling.

----------------------------------------------Later that week-------------------------------------------------

"Dan! Hurry Up the book signings in 10 minutes." "Coming!" Dan came out of his bedroom wearing his usual black jeans with a black top.

-At the book signing-

"Hi can you make it out to Sarah." Said a fan getting there book signed. "Sure!" said Dan and Phil at the same time. Sarah leaned over to Phil and kissed him on the cheek before running off. Dan's face turned bright red with jealousy. "Dan relax it was nothing." Dan got up and stormed off... Phil followed.

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