Dan... I love you.

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Dan lead Phil into the toilets where Dan tried to calm down but it was difficult because of how jealous he was. Phil hugged Dan and kissed his neck then whispered into his ear "I love you." Dan hugged Phil back and apologized for being jealous. Phil pulled away from Dan and kissed him. Dan kissed him back. They walked back to the signing and Dan apologized saying he hadn't felt very well and though he was going to throw up but insisted he was okay now. There was a banner covering the table so no one saw when Phil placed his hand on Dan's knee to reassure him that he loved him.

-Back at the apartment-

"So what do you want to order tonight?" said Phil looking at Dan. "How about i cook for you?" He replied. "It's okay I'd prefer not to have the building burnt down today" laughed Phil. "How about a Dominoes?" "Okay replied Dan smiling at Phil."

*Knocking on the door.* "I'll get it!" said Dan rushing to the front door to collect there pizza.
Dan opened the door to see 2 girls standing there screaming... "SEE HANNAH I KNEW IF WE FOLLOWED THEM ENOUGH WE'D FIND OUT WHERE THEY LIVE!!" Dan closed the door quickly and got his phone out of his pocket. "Hello?" Said the officer on the other line... "Police please." Later that day the two girls were being escorted to the police station where there parents were waiting. "I can't believe some of our fans are like that!" "They were not fans, they were girls who were planning on becoming famous by telling our real fans where we live." Said Dan. "Well they won't find out because those girls were taken care of plus our real fans now we want our privacy!"

-Later that Day-

"Dan look!" said Phil smiling. Dan looked at the macbook Phil was pointing at. "#ISupportDanAndPhil is trending? What's that?" Well the girls who found out our address told everyone on twitter they know it but they didn't give it out and the fans made a new # for the fans that promise not to ask where we live and promise not to stalk us! And now its trending! See i told you our fans respected us!" Said Phil feeling proud!

"Dan kissed Phil on the cheek with a proud smile."

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