Q/A FOBLey and Eladikada

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What is your best friend's monogram?

FOBLey: ABG (bestie since Nov. 2014)

Eladikada: KJL (bestie since birth... Luv ya Kenzie!!!)

How did you get into FOB?

FOBLey: a couple boys were singing Centuries... At the time I hate Pattys voice, Then ABAP came out.

Eladikada: I heard Dance Dance somewhere and I was like... OMFG I NEED TO MARRY THIS BAND.

Favorite Football team?

FOBLey: Carolina Panthers or Clemson Tigers

Eladikada: Caro... Wait same!

Do you have any friends that are boys that you don't like in that way?

FOBLey: yes!!! There's this one boy in 2nd grade that I convinced to be a FOB fan.

Eladikada: yes... My BFFS brother.

Q/A with FOBLey and EladikadaWhere stories live. Discover now