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Ethan's POV

The bell rang. I didn't realize I was practically staring at Danny the whole class period.

I was daydreaming what it would be like to fly. I've always had a dream of flying, like superheroes. Before I knew it I was walking in the hallway to my next class as I accidentally bumped into her and made her spill a binder or two. "I'm so sorry! Let me help you." I started to help pick up her messy papers.

I thought it was going to be one of those movie scenes where we touch hands and fall in love. Nope. That didn't happen.

As I helped I felt this tap on my shoulder. It was Nikki, with a disgusted look on her face. I stopped and looked at her confused, "What the hell, Ethan! You were suppose to walk me to next class but instead you go off with her? We are though." she screamed. Well, I guess that's how you get out of that.

Girls, they over react to much.  She walked off I didn't say anything because I'm not fighting about this. We got done picking up her papers and started walking down the stairs.

I really want to ask her out, she's everything I've looked for in a girl. I finally got the nerve to actually say something. "Um. So, d-do." She looked at me like I was a flying turtle. So I hid. I froze in silence not knowing what exactly to do.

"Ethan, are you okay?" She asked. Her eyes are amazing. I can't stop looking at them.

"Y-Yea." I said finally finding words to say. "I was wondering if you want to go to the dance with me." I said, hoping for the answer I've always wanted to hear.

"Ethan that's in another 3 months!" She said looking confused. "But yes I would love to." YES.

Danny's POV

Did he just ask me to prom? What just happened? "Ethan that's in another 3 months!" I said actually excited for my first dance. He got a sad face on. "But yes I would love to." He's so cute.

We switched numbers and he walked me to class. It's like he doesn't see me enough, even though we have every period together except 2nd. All well, I'm don't plan on stopping him.

He grabbed my hand as we walked down the hallway. I looked over at him, as he looked at me. Of course I blushed to the thought that he liked me. This isn't happening, it has to be a dream.

We got to my next class and he hugged me before walking in. "Bye." He said with a smile. "Bye" I smiled back at him while walking into the classroom. I just remembered I have my 2nd period class with Nikki. This is going to suck.

As soon as I walked the ought the door Nikki was in my face. "What the hell? Who are you with? Ethan? Wow, he must have sunk pretty low to go out with a scum like you." I ignored her and walked to my seat. "Hey! I'm talking to you! You do realize it was just a dare to ask you out right?"

That hit a nerve. There was a punch to the back of my head. I got up from my seat, it was Nikki, "Do it again! I dare you!"

She punched me in the stomach. Teachers did nothing. Actually there was no teacher in class today. I swung my fist, closed my eyes, and hit something. More like someone.

I punched her in the cheek bone. I looked at her while she cried laying on the floor, of course, right when the teacher came in. "Principles now. Both of you." He said with a frustrated look on his face. I stormed out of the classroom to find Ethan looking into the room.

He to only saw me punching her.

I don't like Nikki...lol she's such a drama queen. Well...I haven't updated in forever lol😂😂 sorry I'll try to get back on it..
Alright Ttyl then..
Byee, Great Pig Hippie out.


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