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*Ethan's POV*

We both ran into the pet store looking at the biggest bags of dog food we could find. Of course we got the big once and of course I carried it. I wanted to show off infront of her. "Are you sure don't want a cart?" she asked. "No I'll be fine." I said with a smile. I carreid it to the register and suddenly a man a little taller than me with brown hair and dark eyes went up to Danny. He said "If you know what's good for you, follow every instruction."

"Huh?" she asked with a confused look. "Alright we are trying to get home we can't stop now." I said trying to grab Danny as we began to leave. I grabbed the dog food held Danny's hand and fast-walked back to the car. I put the dog food in the back and looked around to see that she was in the car away from the man, as I got into the car.

"What was that's about?" I asked. "I have no idea," she said. As we were leaving Danny put on the radio. She started to dance and sing. She's so cute.

Was that my phone? I look over to see that my phone was lit up with a text message. I pulled over because no texting while driving. It was my bud Jonathan texting me.

Jonathan : Hey man, what's up?

Me : I'm with Danielle right now.

Jonathan : Ohhh. Get it boy.

Me : We are only hanging out.

Jonathan : Don't you want to get layed?

Me : No. I'm not going to be that guy just to get a girl to get me layed and then leave. especially this girl. I want to hold on to her for a long while.

Jonathan : Okay.

I put the phone down and started to drive again. "What was that about?"
I look over to see her eyes twinkling in the sunlight. "Uh. It was just Jonathan." I said staring at her. "Hey eyes on the road!" she shouted. "Oh right." I looked back towards the road. "Hey, did you know Jonathan likes your friend Silvia?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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